Do I suffer from depression?!

Question: Do I suffer from depression.?
I don't feel happiness or the content. Im 23, but never have had these feelings. I can laugh at a joke, I can cry if I see something emotional, but I have never felt good doing anything. If I exercise, I don't feel better after wards (Im told Im supposed too). If im rewarded for something I did, or even just acknowledged for it, I feel nothing. I have no desire for sex, but still feel the urge too when in a situation. I also do have fantasies about death, but they aren't suicide. Its more of fantasy about me dying for a cause rather then just killing myself for the hell of it.

Do you think I could be suffering from depression.?Health Question & Answer

Yea.. sounds that way. Another tell-tale sign of depression is if you've lost interest in your hobbies. I know that's my current issue.

Addendum: I used to have the same issue. Sometimes, I still do. I've struggled with depression for as long as I can remember, really. You just need to keep on trying out new hobbies until you find one that jives with you. Video games never helped me either. Although I'm a girl, I know guys do crafts too... that's my release. Music also plays a big part in my life, it alters my mood. Industrial, hence my nickname on here, is one of my most favorite genres. Give it a shot. Volunteer work is always a nice idea, too. It helps you get out of yourself... you see how worse off others are than you might think that you are, and that in turn should give you a deeper appreciation for what you DO have. And in reference to what a poster's already insinuated, don't do meds. Trust me, they're just a waste of time. I make my body deal with the chemical imbalance naturally. Better that way than to have a medicinal crutch, you know.?Health Question & Answer

You might have depression, so you should probably ask a doctor. More symptoms are irritability, insomnia, and lack of interest in everyday activities (what you describe). Anxiety can sometimes be a symptom also.Health Question & Answer
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uuummm i honestly dont think its depression but you are heading down that road but plz so many ppl are on meds for depression i would look for another wayHealth Question & Answer

I think Ruth has a very good point. If you can, try to nip it in the bud now. What does make you feel good.? Do more of it. What about those around you. If someone is bringing you down (obviously or subtly) get a bit more selfish and let them go if you have to.
If you have worries at the back of your head, deal with them so that you can overcome them.

Best of luck



OK then. These activities distract you from what.? Is there some thought, belief, difficulty or problem that you're pretending doesn't exist.? Because that would reduce your focus enough to be able to carry out these activities but not to get involved fully in them.
If there is, is there any way that you can face it and deal with it so that you can get on with your life.?
Just a hunch.

Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

I think you are suffering from mild depression and if you think your situation is bad you should see those who are REALLY depressed! (Visit a mental home and see for yourself.)

There are two approaches to solving this problem. The first is to make yourself be active and not to allow much time for sitting around and moping. Seek company even if you start by paying for it in a bar. Better to join clubs and partake in their communal activities, sports, hunting, fishing, handicrafts, lectures, bird-watching etc.

Getting outside of your home is very important and preferably mix with others with whom you can find some common interest. Volunteer to help the aged to shop, change themselves etc., or teach disabled children, help in a hospital, and work in some charity or other. Volunteers are often highly appreciated and get a lot of kind comments (because their time is given freely).

The other approach is to consult with a psychiatrist. He/she will probably advise you about these same kinds of things plus a whole lot more. There are medicines which can help reduce this condition but it may not be so serious that you need them. Health Question & Answer

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