I need help I am turning into an insomniac!?!

Question: I need help I am turning into an insomniac!.?
I am moving Friday and know I am stressed about it, I am tired all day, especially in the morning, as soon as I lie down in bed I am wide awake and cannot fall asleep until around 12-12:30, I never had trouble until this week. HOW DO I SLEEP!.?!Health Question & Answer

It is from the stress of the move. Try you some over the counter sleep aide, but ask the pharmacist.Health Question & Answer

Exercise every day - and by exercise i mean increase your heart rate. I go down the lane to the forest, where I tuck my jens into my socks chav style and run until I can't run any more :P

I also go to the gym, and I sleep better and feel better now than I ever have before in my life! My advice is don't rely on meds to do what your body's own endorphins can do better, faster, and without side effects.

also, know that once you start thinking you wont be able to sleep, you can get into a psychological rut! I've done this, and the trick is to break the cycle. Try making a bedtime routine and stick to it. Health Question & Answer

Figure out what is it that you do in your bed that doesn't involve sleeping. I find out from my doctor the biggest reason people have trouble sleeping sometimes is that they do too much "non-sleeping" activites in their bed. Reading, watching tv, homework, talking on the phone, eating...whatever. Done too often your body and brain no longer associate your bed with sleeping. It thinks "I have to do all of this other stuff first, then toss and turn, then and only then can I sleep". Ever notice how well people sleep when not in their own beds (couchs, hotel rooms...etc.)
Try to calm your mind and strech deeply before bed. Create a routine and try to leave your bed strictly for sleeping. Once your body gets in a routine, sleep should come easier.Health Question & Answer

Unless you are against drugs, visit your doctor and explain the insomnia. There are many medicines on the market right now that incredibly fast acting and effective such as Ambien and Lunesta. I, too, suffer from periodic insomnia and know what its like to sit up most of the night while everyone else sleeps.Health Question & Answer

Take a drug labeled "PM" such as Tylenol PM or Advil PM. Even if you don't have aches or pains, they work well as a temporary sleeping pill. If you keep having trouble sleeping, you may need to see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

This is likely Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, look it up. Relatively common compared to insomnia.Health Question & Answer

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