What does it mean why you withdraw from the world and just go through the motions?!

Question: What does it mean why you withdraw from the world and just go through the motions.?
of going to school, work, etc. I know it's probably depression, but also a little bitterness and anxiety as well..just being fed up with all the bad things & people. It's like everyone else a. can't see it or b. is a part of it. What to do when you get further and further into the withdrawal and only have the ppl you live with to talk to.? Is it possible it can really be the whole world and not you that has the prob.? I think so.
Please note: I'm on meds and go to therapy. Health Question & Answer

I'm on meds and in therapy too,lol. Keep working with your therapist, it does help. I have found out so much about myself it's amazing
( sometimes I have read books on my problems to help me too).
I just got a new therapist( who I think is a jerk, but I'll work with him a while longer). Don't let anyone make you seal yourself "inside". If you have trouble with people making fun of you, or being mean to you, move away from them. I suffered abuse from my biological family for years, and finally, I got away from them, and things got a lot better. sometimes other people will try to make you do things you don't want to("for your own good" they say) but most times its so they can"control you in some way, and that gets to be depressing. If you have things you know you want to do, try to do them, don't let anyone stop you.Health Question & Answer

It's called isolation and yes, depression. You have a bad view of the world and need to change it - something only you can do for yourself. If you think everything is bad, evil, doom and gloom, you will only see that in life. If you think others have a better life than you because it LOOKS that way (you know the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence syndrome), you are sadly mistaken. If you get up, put on a smile, tell yourself it's going to be a wonderful day - then you have set yourself up to see mostly good and happy things that day. And each day you do this, it gets easier and easier to see the good in people and the wonderful things in this world. It is definitely NOT the world with the problem - it is you. Sorry. Lighten up and ENJOY what life has to offer you. If your world is that bad, you have chosen the wrong friends to hang with. Go do something FUN!Health Question & Answer

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