Why do i get so paranoid when i smoke weed?!

Question: Why do i get so paranoid when i smoke weed.?
i don't wanna hear any answers saying, "you pot head, just don't smoke weed, blah blah blah" cause, that's not at all what i'm looking for, i'm looking for answers, hence the name of this section of the website. but anyway, i had a really good time on ecstasy like a few weeks ago, and a horrible comedown with a lifechanging panic attack. i feel i've ****** up my brain chemistry for good, because now every time i smoke i get farmiliar feelings like im rolling, and/or about to have a panic attack. i can't sleep high or sober. when i stop smoking i enjoy the highs of life but i quickly go back to smoking after a few days. i enjoy smoking but only if the situation is right. i used to smoke constantly and enjoy being high all day every day, but now thats not an option for me. what should i do.? has this ever happened to anyone out there.? i even got drunk the other night and felt pretty anxious and stuff. but i love being ****** up so why should i have to stand for the sober life.? what can i do to create a balance.? **** i have all the answers...i just need someone thats had the exact same thing happen, to tell me what they did to deal with it. anyoneHealth Question & Answer

Well what do you expect people to tell you.?
The drugs are causing you the problems so obviously the solution is to stop them.

Drugs do f*** up brain chemistry, because they don't know enough about them and it's like russian roulette with your body.
After you have a bad panic attack or something like that you will be more susceptable and it will take a long long time to get back to normal, and you might not ever be back to normal.

I'm not against the drug but please, you must know that paranoia is the most well known side effect of weed and you will not EVER be able to stop it. In fact it will get worse.

So you don't want to hear the truth.? What do you want to hear then.? What does 'I have all the answers' even mean.? You obviously don't.

You're an idiot who needs to come back down to Earth. Of course you like getting high and not being sober. We all do. But it's bad for you, that's why it's called RISKY behaviour, and why most people only do it occasionally, and why lots of people ruin their lives by getting sucked into it.Health Question & Answer

Weed seems to make me open to suggestion. As such, if i associate getting high with something than i can kind of convince myself that it is happening. Thats what it sounds like is happening to you, you have associated the panic feeling with being high and convince yourself your panicing. You just gotta realize its all in your head.Health Question & Answer

Stress. In all honesty, if you have a job with long hours, bad home life, a multitude of factors can come into paranoia and fear during drug highs (of any sort). My advice is to take a few weeks off of all drugs, alcohol, and just get a break for a least a small while. After that, EASE yourself back into the lifestyle you've been living and don't overdo it as it seems you have been. If that doesn't work, I would just stop it altogether, or for a prolonged period of time (6 months or so) and see if the stress lessens. Good luck man.Health Question & Answer

As someone who has experienced X way to many times and knows the pharmacology behind the use, too much ecstasy use will kill off serotonin receptors in your brain, which take years to reestablish. Since my experience, I have had bad general anxiety problems and panic attacks and have been prescribed Xanax and such.
I dont see a correlation between ecstacy use and weed use. Some people i have met have described their high as making them paranoid or anxious, but in general its not a common feeling for cannabis. I too now only smoke at certain times occasionally, whereas i have smoked everyday at one point in my life. So i would say, technically, this has happened to me also.
To address the paranoia and anxiety, i would try a benzodiazapine like valium, or klonopin. You would have to be prescribed these also though. ;) Hope this helps. msg if you have any questions

The people out their with out verified knowledge of what they are talking about need to learn to only ANSWER only when they know what the !&^$ they are talking about.Health Question & Answer

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