I've been feeling really sad and mad lately?!

Question: I've been feeling really sad and mad lately.?
Lately since I started the new fall quarter at school, I've been feeling sad. I've been frustrated with things in my life like: homework, people, and myself. I'm so frustrated that I want to cry. To be honest, I'm about to cry at this moment while typing this.

I'm in my early 20s and I've never felt this way about my life before! I just don't know what to do. I don't feel like myself and I just want the old me back.Health Question & Answer

I feel the exact same way. It is due, in part to the fact that I have such high hopes and dreams for myself and when I fall short I am very upset and angry. For example, I am pretty quiet and shy and don't make new friends easily. It was my goal to be extra outgoing and friendly that first week of school so I could make new social connections, but I couldn't pull the trigger. I'm having issues in every area in my life and its building up to where I can't take it either. All my life I have been really against seeing a counselor. I thought that I could figure it out myself because I know myself better than anyone else. I'm starting to change my mind and think that is the step I need to take to turn things around.

It sounds to me like you are stressed and might be depressed. If talking about your problems to friends and family doesn't help, it would probably be beneficial to talk to a counselor. Don't go on suffering through life when there is help right around the corner. Most college campuses have a free counseling service for their students. It's worth a try!Health Question & Answer

I don't know what happen to you but i just want to say to be strong something you don't want happen they still happened in our life,try to face them no matter how hard it was.Health Question & Answer

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