I am a loser so why should I keep living?!

Question: I am a loser so why should I keep living.?
There are so many things I hate about myself. I have low self esteem, I have no job, live at home, dropped out of college, and have a million mental illnesses. I am dependent on other people and probably always will be. I just feel so hopeless because I know I won't change. My whole family has mental illness and i don't see how I will be any different. I'm not bad looking but when guys hit on me I get embarrassed and shy and act like a weirdo around people. I just want to end it so I don't have to suffer anymore, but I'm too scared to die. I just want to die in my sleep and not know it but how can I do that.? I was thinking about getting some heroin and OD on it but I'm to afraid to go out and look for some. Health Question & Answer

Yep, life can be scary. Not quite the bedtime story we were read as kids.

I have illness too. Had a lifetime of it so far and I'm in my 30s. I want to quit, then I wait a day. I feel good, then the weather gets bad. Weeks I can't even get out of bed. Been employed, many times, then quit again and again. I know what it is to be an odd ball. Been there and still there. Even have those dark thoughts. Just end it all. But then, are you punished for doing that.?.?.? What happens if what you do doesn't work.? My doctor told me that one.

Answer: Get help and continue to get it. Make a life for yourself and stay away from people who keep you sick/down. Design your life to be what you would want if you could have anything. Start small. But first - GET HELP!!! Local community help, hospital, something! I know I NEED a helper cause no one else will.

With a helper, things can get better. Oh and EAT well!!! Everything that goes in your bod is a chemical (food). Avocadoes - great for depression, low carbs, natural foods, low artificial anything, protein.

Groups and talking w/actual live people works miracles. Then you don't feel so alone. You are not alone. I have to get out too. It stinks to do this all yourself, but sometimes that helps so you can get healthy new connections and make a good/happy life for yourself. Don't hinder/abuse yourself. I don't think anyone was created for that to happen.

Best of luck to you. Peace.

Health Question & Answer

Just don't and try to keep going and HOPE also Pray and keep going cause then you might live on the street or something bad will happen to you and I don't think your friends want to let that happen to you or your family also it's normal for someone to get shy and act goofy when they hit on you or something so,don't worry cause maybe someday you might the perfect person for you!Health Question & Answer

There is nothing we can actually say to you because we dont know you. But you should know that for all the people out there that dont like you there are that many more who do. Dont forget that there is 300 million people in the country I highly doubt your the only one like you with your qualities. Just keep powering through and stick in there is the best I can say as a complete stranger.Health Question & Answer

The fact that you are writing this question tells me you are literate. There are millions of people in this world that do not even know how to read or write. Consider tutoring refugees so they can learn to help themselves. You will be giving back to this world (sort of a payment for all the schooling you were given as a kid)

Killing yourself will just make your life worthless. Right now your life has possibilities- like teaching someone english so they can provide for their family.Health Question & Answer

YOU ARE NOT a loser!!! Losers don't recognize their problems and issues but you do!! Now that you realize there is a problem go and seek professional help, you could change the whole picture all around and if your family has issues that does not mean you have to have the same in your life. Health Question & Answer

It seems you have nothing. But really you have a lot.-Nice person, good self awareness, kind, caring.etc. I know what you mean. Why bother continuing..? Because ending life is ending hope. You deserve better. Seek counselling to get you to the point of feeling ok. Compare with no one. You are not a loser. You are a winner but dont know it yet.Health Question & Answer

I will pray for you, and I promise you, tomorrow will be better. You will succeed in life, despite all the obstacles you have had in your way.

I am mentally ill, too- I have OCD, anxiety, and depression.

Believe me, there is hope- you aren't alone!

God bless!Health Question & Answer

Because God loves you...

too bad he doesn't exist..

For real though, life is precious. Celebrate everyday and find a niche you fit into. It may take some time, but it is well worth it. This is your only life; don't throw it away, please.Health Question & Answer

Talk to your local church. They will get you help even if you are not religious. Be honest you don't really want to die because you are afraid to die, that means that there is something you want to live for.Health Question & Answer

Stephany, grow up... ppl like u need to understand it only takes one nudge for someone to go over the edge.... how would u like someone being like that to you, or your sister, your mother, your daughter.?

Report her ppl.

TrollHealth Question & Answer

Go seek help. You are stuck in a bad state of mind right now. The first step to getting out of it is to go get help. Try therapy. It really helps, trust me. Health Question & Answer

just listen to the pink floyd song "time"....

it should answer your questionsHealth Question & Answer

You are not a loser.

Why should you keep living.? Because suicide is never the answer.Health Question & Answer

Yes you do have low self esteem, as far as I can tell, that is your only problem/the root of the problem.

So go to either a counsellor or something like that, and get them to talk you out of it.

There's no enough info here. It would help to have your posting history. You are basically a stranger. What do you want us to tell you.?

There are not many, if any ways to die in your sleep. Why are you afraid to go and get drugs.? Do what you want to do. You don't say how you're suffering. Jobs will come, it's part of life. You get them and lose them and get them again. Same with relationships.
You can start college again. Living 'at home' can be a good thing by allowing you a safe place to stay while you get sorted out and save up.

What illnesses.? Do you actually have one or not.? Meds .?

edit: Read the question properly. I was going to warn against addiction to heroin but they said use it to OD, to kill themselves from it. So they wouldn't be alive anymore, thus they would not get an addiction would they.?Health Question & Answer

I have thought of suicide too. But if you do that, you won't end up in a great place. You will have to re-live your live until you get it right. Not to get super religious, but you have been given a gift...your life. And if you take that life, it would be totally wrong. You have a purpose here on earth, we all do. Yes, we all have bad days, some times more bad than good. But that just makes the good times even better. One day, you will understand the reason you are on this earth. I still don't know mine, but I have decided against suicide. I just figure if I do that, I am risking a beautiful life on the other side one day. We all will die eventually, so try to make the best of your stay here. You will see. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

i know exactly how you feel i have had a really rough day here crying..i will be 30 in dedember & i have not accomplished nothing i dropped out of school in the 8th grade do to my mental illness & theni had a nervous breakdown wheni was 21 & lost most of my remeberance of my education i am so embarrassed of myself & i really feel that i am running out of time to make my life better..i had a panic attack the other day at the store ( i usually don't go to the store alone ) i got a gallon of milk & i put it back & ran out o fthe store..i don't want to suffer anymore either..but we have to fight it some how & go on or atleast i want you to..i want you to know u are definately not alone...we have to keep praying that its going to get better someday, somehow & their are people who care..God bless & good luck email me if u need someone to talk 2Health Question & Answer

Take a deep breath. Some of the most successful, artistic, and influential people have suffered and still suffer from mental illness. You are an individual, not your family. Maybe they haven't been able to deal with their mental illness very well, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn to overcome this. Maybe you won't be slap happy everyday, but there is treatment. I've done some of my best work, when I was in the darkest pits of depression. Try new things, like painting, piano, writing: Not Heroin. God I know sometimes it's unbearable, but you have to figure out why you are here on this earth and make the most of it. I'm not sure how old you are so if you are too shy around guys, then forget them for awhile. Get involved in something that gives you inspiration, keep trying new things.Eventually, something will click and you'll be glad you're alive. Counseling does work, also rehab. Everyone is right you are not the only one with mental illness, so many people have it and many you wouldn't even think, because they hide it so well. You have a purpose here, don't waste it. Hang in thereHealth Question & Answer

Oh, hun, don't go to drugs!--you'll just feel worse if you do. It's very dangerous and illegal to drug deal. There are better ways to cope. You can still go back to school; it's never too late. Don't even think about drugs cause it will be almost impossible to quit if you start. Trust me, I been there, like the other night, I was so stressed that I brought my first pack of cigarettes hoping that it will calm me down, but guess what, I never opened the package because I eventually found a better way to cope from people around me that love me, so I can just vent on them, LOL. I mean, is your family supportive at all.? Would they be able to help you find a job or go back to school.? To me you should be thankful that you have a roof over your head. Just have faith and start having a more positive attitude about yourself and good things will come. By the way, I think you're one of the answers from my question I posted earlier tonight, so I appreciate your input. Thanks.Health Question & Answer

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