Will someone PLEASE help me die?!

Question: Will someone PLEASE help me die.?
Can people just stop giving their opinions as to how selfish it is to want to die.? I want a real answer. It does not get better. After waiting 15 years my life has not gotten any better. I am in financial ruin and have tried everything to get out of it. I don't have the money to file bankruptcy and if I got it wouldn't take care of my biggest debt (student loan). Now after being single for over ten years, the man I was dating and fell in love with broke up with me via text message. I can't take it anymore. Health Question & Answer

Why is it...when you feel so alone in the world...that you seem to have an apathetic need to reach out to someone...to help you die..?

JUST CURIOUS...as I too waited...37 years...since my second attempt at the age of 10...I held on...living the last 14 yrs alone in a 1 bdrm apt...and got tired...real tired of trying to make it through another wasted day...until two years ago at age 47...I attempted suicide...

and was disappointed to wake up three days later in the hospital ...pills and booze...it doesn't always work... especially if someone knows about it or finds you...but I've slowly gotten over it the last two years...and things haven't got much better...except that the once constant thoughts of death and how to die...only pop up now and again

I just decided to learn to accept my situation and be content with what I have...and like keeping my own company...I have pretty much shunned society at large...talk to my neighbors every couple of weeks...but I felt then ... as I still feel now... that...

Suicide is very much a private matter...it's not a team sport... UNLESS...you are really seeking help by making a declaration ..SOOOOO.....I just want to ASK YOU....

What kind of help is it you are seeking..?..Different ways to accomplish the feat... permanently...and with as little pain as possible.?...or are you asking for someone to aide you in obtaining pills, drugs, poisons, or a gun.?...or do you need to learn how to make a noose.?...I'm NOT chiding you...(hanging is a "clean" virtually quick and painless way to go...but...I haven't tried it) ...BUT I DO KNOW....that you can't reach out to someone you know for this sort of thing...or you'll get that sort of thing..like the answers you've been getting...Why not post a more precise question and I'll get back to you..IN THE MEANTIME...


IF... reincarnation does exist...and I have heard and read from lots of different sources that it is a good possibility
(IE: and those that have died and seen "the light")..

THEN...it is said that a soul/spirit released from a suicide death... returns immediately to the physical world and
re-enters a material body...NO REST STOP IN PARADISE... NO PASS GO...NO COLLECT ON ALL THE AGONY YOU'VE GONE THROUGH...NO CHANCE to decide to stay on the other side this time...

NOOOO... the soul returns immediately to accomplish and finish the agenda originally planned...the purpose that wasn't carried to fruition this time... because of a decision to "end it early"...IF...JUST IF...THIS 'MIGHT' BE TRUE...

I SAY 'NO WAY' TO SUICIDE EVERY DAY...I DO NOT want to come back and do this all over again...IT COULD BE WORSE....No Thank You...Not without a short vacation with all my spirit friends...and a chance to learn from my experiences ...NO...I'll keep breathing instead...
It is this surreal possibility...that saves my life everyday.

Sooooo...tell me just what it is that you need answered...
We're all on a journey..whether it is here...or journeying back "home"...or another physical plane...I figure I better get use to it...and maybe I'll get to retire when I go "home" this time... I feel like I've lived...ohhhh...so many lives...


You're an old soul too...

If you can make it just one more time...Maybe we can retire on the other side together...If not...
I'll be looking up your question in the near future..... Namaste'....2 UHealth Question & Answer

Your pretty depressed by the sounds of it. You must get in touch with someone who care about you...and we all have someone. No matter who it is, go see them. You must talk yourself out of this perception of life and look on the bright side of life. Money is not worth dying over and nor is a guy who didn't appreciate you. C'mon. If you can't think iof someone to go to then use the Canada health line phone number or a counsellor. Hope you feel emotionally better soon. :)Health Question & Answer

Get on your knees and pray. Tell Jesus every thing. When you get off your knees. Stand up poke your chest out had say "This is the day that the Lord has made I will REJOICE and be GLAD in it." and every time you have that negative feeling of wanting to die. say "I shall LIVE and not DIE and will declare the works of the Lord." I too felt like this and I began to repeat the things over and over.When I stop worrying about it things began to change for the better. Health Question & Answer

AH! i know how that you feel so horrible but truly god is watching you and making things better right now you just need to have hope and do not kill yourself, your loved ones like your family will be so hurt, you need to just hold on and maybe get some therapy by going to a free clinic and getting some medicine and advice. GOOD LUCK AND STAY STRONG XOOXHealth Question & Answer

I feel the same why, Me my girl friend of 3 years or on hold but I think its already over, I just want to die to, Maybe we should talk about it and help each other, Heres my myspace, www.myspace.com/killajji or email or IM me jesseji@yahoo.com Health Question & Answer

I do not know much about you but if you would like to regain everything back join memory guru of India. You will get money as you wish and name with fame. For more information visit http://unlimitedmemory.tripod.comHealth Question & Answer

www.jesusisreal.orgHealth Question & Answer

Where there's life there's hope you are not ill or suffering, so come on ,they cant take what you have not got, Health Question & Answer

dont worry
be happpy
cause ya know for every bad thing that happnes a good thing happens too!!!
just wait and seeeeeHealth Question & Answer

What exactly do you want from us.?Health Question & Answer

So what are you looking for.? Someone to tell you how to kill yourself or just sympathy.?
I am sorry that you feel this way, but no one on here is going to say, "Hey, great idea! Let's all do it 'cause our lives suck!"
I know what it's like. I suffered from severe depression for years, but I was able to rise above it and move on with my life, because I realized there are always other doors to open, if you choose to do so- but you have to make the choice.
There are financial agencies that you can call that will try to help you consolidate debt- some of them do it for free or a small sum. Just have to do some searching.
Plus, it may sound cold, but there are other fish in the sea. Get out in the world and start meeting people and having fun. Try a dating site if you are desperate. There are free ones, and you never know.
But the most important thing I discovered which really helped improve my life is to always have a positive outlook. It really makes a difference in the way you are perceived and perceive yourself.
Be happy, be outgoing, and ask for help if you need it- maybe ask for a raise at work if you are eligible, or look for a better job.

There are always things that you can do. Do you have family or friends that can help you out momentarily while you get yourself together.?
But most of all, keep a positive outlook, remember those who care about you, and move on with your life. Health Question & Answer

Suicide won't make it better either. It will make things worse for you. Why does everyone think that death takes you to a great place where there is no pain.? Without God, you will find yourself in a place of torment that never ends with no light and no hope. Way worse than having no money. For free you can see a sunrise and walk along a beach. You can be kind to lonely people and worship God who loves you. You've been looking in the wrong places for love and fulfillment. Start again with God. He promise to clothe you and make you more beautiful than the lilies and to make sure you have food. There is peace and happiness in simple living. If you learn to give to others, you will find you receive much more than you gave. I'm sorry for your pain, but you need to change direction in order to be happy and find purpose in this life.Health Question & Answer

I know you don't want to hear this and I am going to p### you off but, you need help. Maybe you need meds or a med adjustment. I am not trying to sound like a b*tch but its the truth. I am sorry you are having things bad but you could be me. I have bipolar, social anxiety disorder , and manic depression. You could live through what I have and like being shot at because of what religion you chose to practice or having things thrown at you and your children or hoping that your windows don't get busted every day. How about having two kids and worrying about if they are safe every minute of the day because of stuff like this.? Or coming home to find your cat and dog with dead on your back porch and not being able to have stopped your kids from seeing it fast enough.? Or maybe you'd like to be my husband and have been blown up in freindly fire and lost half of your body control and have shrapnal from operation desert storm.?

I am sorry like I said I am not trying to be disrespectful or mean. I am thousands in debt. I have less then $300.00 a month to work with to run a house and feed four people. I am not lecturing you just trying to show you that people have it worse even if it doesn't seem like it to you. Therapy and medications help. But you have to be proactive and commited to yourself for it to work. I waited a long time too before I realized that things are just the way they are. I decided that I am going to ride it out. You know what the best thing I could have done because you can find happiness even when hell is around you. Good luck I will be praying for you.Health Question & Answer

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