Admission the pysch hospital-?!

Question: Admission the pysch hospital-.?
I am probably going to the hospital within the next few days. But, I'm not sure if I'll actually be admitted. Judging by what I tell you, do you think I'd be admitted.?

I'm 14. I self-injure, I'm trying to stop but I haven't been able to stop for any reasonable amount of time, since about six weeks ago. I'm not on any medication, I quit it back in February. I know they'll ask if I'm suicidal, but I don't know if I am... I feel really hopeless and like life is just so, pointless and the teeniest things don't seem worth it but I've never had thoughts (or maybe I should say plans) to end my own life. A while ago I decided that when my mom dies I'd start smoking and drinking and doing drugs and stuff to make myself forget because I know I wouldn't be able to handle losing her-- that's the one thing I'd end my life over. See, the "suicidal" part is really hard to explain.
I've been dealing with food issues... my therapist thinks I'm headed down a dangerous path to an eating disorder. I don't want that to happen.

I know if I start a medication at home, I'd do something stupid like taking too many or not taking it or flipping out and just doing something stupid.

Uh, is that the sort of issues they admit people for. My therapist says so, but I don't want to waste my time :/Health Question & Answer

It sounds like an admission would be a good thing for you. I've been inpatient a few times over the years and and always found it to be a positive experience overall. Be completely truthful with the doctors and therapists- do not try to "sugar coat" things or minimize what you are feeling. There is some relief in others knowing what you are feeling becaause they can help you stay safe until you get back on medication and are feeling better.

Good luck...Health Question & Answer

Yes, that's pretty much exactly what all the kids at my hospital were in for. Except... You pretty much have it all going on.

I was admitted, well, FORCED for depression and suicide attempts. Health Question & Answer

If your therapist thinks you should go, I went for anxiety.Health Question & Answer

most people go for 5-7days in your situation..i went for six weeks..but that was for eating disorderHealth Question & Answer

From what you wrote here;you are a teen with depression,selfdistructve behavior,drug abuse and poor compliance for therapy(refuse to take medicines) and boarder line suicidal.If your therapist think you should admitted to;did he commite you or are you under commitment.Usually the admitting psy. not easy to take the chance to let you go if you have chance to kill yourself.One thing positive that you know your situation good that mean you pass your reality test. What is your histry of your mental illness.?did you have suicidal attend or be hospitalized before.Stay in hospital you will receive better treatment in your situation.Sorry I don't mean to make you feel bad,I know that you already feel very bad.I mention that you not complian for theraphy by not continue take medicines because this is a very important part of consideration for need inpatient care by the admitting psy..By the way those antidepressive or antipsychotic medicines need continue taking if it work, discontinue it only your doctor say so. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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