Why do I have so many suicidal thoughts?!

Question: Why do I have so many suicidal thoughts.?
I'm only fifteen years old , &consider suicide everytime I'm upset. I've been depressed for 2 years or so. It keeps getting worse. As people say things would get better they got worse. I lost my house, my mother almost died, sisters depressed, parents argue constantly ,& other stuff. But on top of that I lost the people that meant most to me in my life. Tell me how do I pull through this.? I have no one left . I've lost hope . Health Question & Answer

first off, dont let anyone say to you "i have been through worse" or "i know how u feel" cause nobody knows the ins and outs of your life. Thoughts like that are hard to get out of your mind, have you talked to anyone.? for some people that can help, not for all though. Maybe go to your doctor.? they can put you on a tablet which can help with depression, which by the look of it you do have.
I know its hard and i ant gonna say you are going to get through it, cause its a long and hard road.
Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

i have been you.
so never think that u are alone on this situation.i know that is cheesy but its the truth.

the best thing to do is go to school and talk to ur counselor, cry a lot, and talk with anyone that can help you.

this is a scary thing i know that.but u know you do not want to kill yourself so get help before you make the mistake...please.Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to someone. Things like depression don't get better on their own, and it'll only get worse with time.Health Question & Answer

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