How much weight will i lose, exercising off seroquel? thanks!?!

Question: How much weight will i lose, exercising off seroquel.? thanks!.?
218 lbs, 5'11 male, 19 years old. changing my diet alot and walking 3.5 - 4 miles every day. idk if it was water weight but after 2 days of it it said i lost 2 lbs. that made me hapy and more motivated lol. but how much do you think ill lose and how fast based on this.? Thanks!

I was on 400 mg of seroquel and it caused me to gain about 22 lbs! my psychiatrist said to start exercising more and eating better and thats what im doing, im ready to get my life on track. thanks again!Health Question & Answer

The first 3 or 2 weeks I lost maybe 5 kg (11 lbs), because I was either nauseous all the time, or because I felt my appetite had disappeared. There would be days I maybe only ate an apple. After that my appetite returned, and I managed to burn another 4 lbs. Altogether, 7 kg loss, whatever that is in pounds, 15 lbs, I don't know.

It seems easier to eat less and/or lose weight when you're off Seroquel. As far as I could tell, it was impossible while on it. My appetite now varies - I actually have times when I don't feel hungry. This never happened while on meds. I have hit a plateau now, and am having difficulty losing the last 7 kg I gained.

Watch out for the skin rash. I had a constant itching after stopping seroquel that maybe lasted a month. I have the scars to prove it. It comes b/c your histamine returns. Health Question & Answer

I was on seroquel for a short time myself. I was already a little overweight at the time, so I didn't notice a significant weight gain at the time. But when I did go off of it, I lost about 10-12 pounds in a matter of weeks. It sounds like you are doing all the right things to lose weight, and for your overall health. Kudos to you and keep up the good work!

(((Gabe)))Health Question & Answer

Usually when you start to lose weight it is water weight. That is the first thing to go then the fat. Be careful with your diet you can lose muscle too. Health Question & Answer

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