No desire anymore. I don't care if the laundry sits in the hamper or gets hung up, if the dishes are clean or?!

Question: No desire anymore. I don't care if the laundry sits in the hamper or gets hung up, if the dishes are clean or.?
dirty. If I get this done or not.
What is my problem.? I want to lose weight, but really who cares.?
Why drag myself to the gym when I could be taking a break after work.?

I don't know why I am not in order. I am taking an anxiety med, but still not very excited for anything.

What can I do to switch my life around.?
I just want to get things done.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like depression. You should try really hard (even though it is hard to care) to take a short walk or run outside every day or go to a swimming pool and swim. 30 minutes a day would be ideal, but even 10 minutes is better than nothing. Exercise can really help with depression that hasn't gone too far yet. also, eat fruit and vegetables, take your vitamins, shower every day, take care of your looks and try to meet with friends or family regularly for moral support.

If 2 months pass and you still can't drag yourself out of it, see a psychiatrist and describe your symptoms. You might be experiencing side effects from the anti-anxiety drugs or need anti-depressants or at least some therapy to work things out.

Good luck. I've been there myself and I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just try to make the tunnel shorter by doing the things suggested above.Health Question & Answer

well, answer your questions then! why clean or dirty.? well, don't you deserve a nice clean environment in which to live.? lose weight or not.? don't you deserve to be healthy.? don't have to drag yourself to the gym, it's easy to get exercise anywhere just by walking... and again, don't you deserve to be healthy and feel good.?
seems like perhaps you are focusing too much on the negatives in your thoughts, don't the positive things in your life deserve at least equal attention.?Health Question & Answer

talk to your doctor about a different medication ... i felt the same way and let things around me go to pieces ... i just didnt care anymore and like you thought who bother ... but you have to care about yourself and say yes you do matter ... think about it like this ... if you wouldnt treat your bf like this why treat yourself to it ... you are your own personal manager...Health Question & Answer

You might want to talk to your doctor about your meds. The anxiety med is only going to help with anxiety but what you're describing sounds more like depression so maybe you need something else to help with that.

I've been going through the same thing for a while now and the only advice I have is to keep trying. I know how much it can make you crazy to have a messy house, too much weight, etc but you just can't seem to do anything about it.

I saw someone else say for you to just start thinking more this is something you're just creating in your mind. I'm sure you already know this but I'm going to say it anyway--depression is NOT something you can just "get over" by thinking happy thoughts or whatever. I don't know why so may people don't seem to understand that it's an actual medical condition and you have to treat it just like you would any other medical condition. You wouldn't tell someone with a broken leg that their leg would be all better if they would just think positive so why do people seem to think that you can do that with something like depression.?

Anyhow, good luck to you.
I hope you find a way to get some control over this so you can start feeling better :)Health Question & Answer

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