Why do I have nightmares if I sleep on my back?!

Question: Why do I have nightmares if I sleep on my back.?
If I sleep on my back it never fails.. I have nightmares. If I sleep on my stomach or side, I'm fine. Although, sometimes I do tend to move around a lot and I'll wake up from a nightmare and sure enough I'm on my back! What is the deal here.? Health Question & Answer

Blockage of the nasal passage is more likely when you sleep on your back, thereby causing negative dreaming. Health Question & Answer

I'm guessing it's more about the body being restless.

People generally move about during nightmares and thus you're not very likely to end up in the very specific position of one side, or flat on your front, if you've been tossing and turning. It makes more sense that after tossing and turning a person will settle down on their back.

It could also be a self fulfilling prophecy in that if you go to sleep on your back you expect a bad dream and then it will be more likely to actually happen due to you thinking about it.
Health Question & Answer

Indigestion (or heartburn, whatever you want to call it) is often a cause of nightmares - our body's unconscious (or subconscious) response to pain. I actually can't get to sleep on my back for the same reason - I get nightmares.

I've found two things that help. 1) When I go to sleep, I lay on my side and place a body pillow behind me, right along my back. It prevents me from rolling all the way onto may back and (usually) prevents the nightmares. 2) I had severe back and chest pain for a few months (and I'm in my early 20s), so eventually, my doctor prescribed Prevacid (a proton-pump inhibitor). If I take one about 30 minutes before I go to sleep, I can sleep on my back all I want. Health Question & Answer

Maybe sleeping on your back is tied to a dramatic experience. Or you wake up much easier in a position of being on your back. Do the nightmares have something in common.? Health Question & Answer

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