What can I do about my aunt's son if he appears to have been sexually abused or exposed?!

Question: What can I do about my aunt's son if he appears to have been sexually abused or exposed.?
My aunt shares joint custody of her son, Larry, with her ex-spouse, Mitch. He gets him every other weekend and every other weekend she finds out that Mitch leaves Larry at different people's houses. But for the pass months or so Mitch has left Larry at a cousin's house. This cousin has a son named Tommy who is age 11. Tommy lies about his age to my cousin and claims to be 8. Well lately and ever since this past weekend, my cousin, Larry, has been acting strange. He came back from the weekend with his dad and he kept saying he was tired. When my aunt was going to give him a shower, he had on different underwear which larry says belonged to Tommy. When my aunt asked why he didn't have his own underwear on that she put in his weekend bag, he could not give her a straight answer and he kept wanting to cry like he was guilty of something. When she asked his father why Larry didn't have his own underwear on,his father could not give her a straight answer either. Everytime she asked Larry what happens over at Tommy's house he can't give her a straight answer. But on odd occasions he says how much he loves his cousin Tommy and when asked why he loves his cousins so much he cant answer. Lately he shows rude behavior and was once caught by his aunt trying to masturbate. Every time he watches t.v. he wants to turn to explicit shows or if he sees someone kissing then he wants to keept asking about sex. He has told me himself that Tommy makes him take off his pants and dance to music videos in his underwear.He's only six years old, and his mother ignores his behavior. What can I do with out getting too involved.? Health Question & Answer

you make an ;anonymous call to the department who might handle child abuse. forget all about the adults in this situation. it doesn't sound really good so just make the call and let them handle it.Health Question & Answer

In the front of every phone book there are emergency numbers which usually include a child abuse hot line. This needs to reported pronto to protect your cousin from further harm.Health Question & Answer

call the Child Protection Service in your state, or call the policeman.
Health Question & Answer

Uh...call the freakin' cops maybe.? Health Question & Answer

be big...spill the beans.... you've gottaHealth Question & Answer

There is no way to avoid getting too involved. Don't be so afraid that you allow something horrible to happen to this child. The worse thing that can happen is that you find out nothing is happening to him...and THAT would be a blessing. You MUST act. It is illegal for you to do nothing if you suspect that a child is being sexually abused. Protect him! Tell somebody FAST! Please don't be afraid, imagine how he feels.Health Question & Answer

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