We "made peace" and became friends again then a week later he ignores my calls. Is it bipolar?!

Question: We "made peace" and became friends again then a week later he ignores my calls. Is it bipolar.?
I was friends/dating this BIPOLAR person who suddenly dumped me without telling me why. He ignored me for 2 months and ignored all 4 of my attempts to reconcile via email, voicemail ,text, etc.

Last week I sent him my 5th and final email trying to "make things right" and become friends again.

Basically I explained how I miss him, and how I feel really hurt the way he ended things with no explanation and that it was cruel, mean ,and heartless.

He calls me the next day (after 2 months of ignoring me) and we made peace. He acted like we were best friends and like nothing happened,

I was so happy and thought all was well.

One week passes by and he doesnt call so I left him a voicemail yesterday saying I would call tomorrow.

I called twice today and he totally ignored each call. He didnt even respond to both voicemails.

Seriously, why would someone act like that.?

I feel it's cruel to "make peace" only to go back to ignoring me.

Does this have anything t odo with his bipolar or is he just playing games.

Im so confused.

I wouldnt treat a friend that way.Health Question & Answer

I'm bipolar (type 2), have had 1 roommate who was also type 2, and a roommate who was type 1. None of us would behave that way. Then again, we're all female. There was an article I read on MSN about a type II bipolar woman dealing with her bipolar type I boyfriend that sounded very similar to your situation. So who knows. Unforunately, I can't find the article now to link it in here.

Either way I'd not worry about it and let him fade out of your life. It can be very hard to help people with bipolar disorder, mostly because it can be near impossible to get them to see their behavior as inappropriate. Health Question & Answer

Bipolar and ADD aside, he's just not that into you. Sorry... been there done that ....Health Question & Answer

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