Why do i wake up every single night at 1:30 ?!

Question: Why do i wake up every single night at 1:30 .?
its getting me so mad. i set up a schedule where i wake up at 7 and sleep around 10:30, and i still wake up at 1:30 each night and have the hardest time going back to sleep. ugh. idk what to do. i exercise in the daytime, eat right, have a scheduled day so im not over sleeping, an i still have insomnia. what else can i do to stop from waking up every night at 1:30, and why do i wake up in the first place.?Health Question & Answer

because we are creatures of habit. i used to always wake up needing the toilet in the middle of the night. the brain gets into a pattern but it will pass. try not to fight it or focus on it. this habit will disappear soonHealth Question & Answer

you are getting too much sleep. try going to bed at 1 am and waking up at 7. You will not wake up in the middle of the nightHealth Question & Answer

Is this a new thing that is just happening now.? If it is some medications can cause insomnia. Health Question & Answer

Each person has different needs regarding sleep, sometimes I can lay awake for days on end, it totally drives me crazy and I end up with headaches, I have a couple of glasses of wine at night after dinner and that helps sometimes, I also have medication that I take that helps sometime, but if I put the two together then I actually sleep, this is not a good pattern to be in but have tried all sorts of things, warm milk, reading, exercise, herbal remedies, nothing seems to work really, I've tried staying up later but that just makes me sleep in because I can't get to sleep until about 4 or 5 am, so that doesn't work, I have heard of sleep clinics and have often wondered whether to try it or not, they keep you in a dark room and you sleep when you are tired and don't when you're not, apparently thats why some people pick night or afternoon shifts because of their sleep patterns, you'd be surprised at how many of us there are out there, I wish I could help you, but I suffer the same thing and without the tablets and a couple of drinks I'm up all night, its not good for me but nor is no sleep, I think our brains may be too active and that could be our problem, we just can't seem to shut it off, maybe hypnotism might work for you, have tried that too and they can't hypnotise me, they reckon that I have a strong mental "wall" and they can't get through, so back to the tried and tested once again, if you find a good system let me know, goodluck! :)
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