What are your thoughts on medication?!

Question: What are your thoughts on medication.?
Do you think that they should be tried only after talking therapies, that psychiatrists put people on them to try and get a quick fix, that your just filling yourself with unnecessary chemicals or do you think that for some people they really are essential.?Health Question & Answer

I feel it depends on the situation.

If the person is not in crisis, they should consider ALL of the options. Therapy, lifestyle, and medication. Hell, even some Eastern medicine if it suits your fancy. The fact is that every type of treatment is as effective as every other over-all. But some work better for individuals than others.

If a person is in dangerous suicidal, homicidal, or psychotic states, there are some "crisis drugs" that can very quickly bring a person back to reality. These are mostly used in the context of psychiatric wards.

I know people who are worse on medication than they were without. I know people whose lives were saved by medication.

It's all about YOU and what YOU think is best and YOUR personal mental and physical chemistry.Health Question & Answer

The medications I'm on have literally saved my life. I am now on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, I have had severe depression and tried to commit suicide a few times, when in hospital they changed the medications and kept me in until they had started working.

Unfortunately, anti-depressants can take trial and error to find the right ones. I've been on anti-depressants now for over 7 years and have tried several and several combinations of mood stabilisers until this one that works FOR ME. Everyone is different and different drugs help.Health Question & Answer

It is process of elimination - psychiatrists will try things in different orders and steps to see what works and what doesn't.
Cognitive therapy is a talking therapy but can take a long time and can be very expensive, and if psychiatrists genuinely believe that there is a chemical imbalance of the brain causing the mental illness, they will prescribe drugs to correct the imbalance.

If the medication is not a placebo and doesn't work, then the patient will then be taken to the next level of treatment which can be cognitive or behavioral therapy. All types of treatments have different levels of effectiveness and have pros and cons.
Medication has worked for lots of people, and to my knowledge in my Psychology studies, medication is sometimes combined with talking therapy. There is no such thing as a quick fix because nothing is guaranteed to work.
For some people, it is very essential, because some mental illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances.Health Question & Answer

My experience - a doctor hasn't placed me on medication unless I needed it. My symptoms were severe enough and lasted 6+ months, so I was placed on medication for depression and anxiety.

These medications helped improve me somewhat. After 10 years of them trying to find the right combination of meds and LOTS of Intensive Psychotherapy - I was granted Disability Benefits because I just could not function successfully in work and social situations - enough to hold down a 40 hr/week job.

My life is alot more peaceful and stable now. I do not regret being "disabled" because I am at peace. I was literally trying to kill myself to work. (almost tryed - wanted to)

I do different kinds of volunteer work now and am happily married and am a housewife as well. Things are alot more manageable now - I can breathe!

Not the case with all people for sure - many people that I know have benefited greatly from medication and/or therapy and continue to their careers and homelife.

It is an individual thing - as each person is different and has had different life experiences, reactions or non-reactions to meds and psychotherapy.Health Question & Answer

There are some people who really need to be on medication because otherwise they just aren't mentally stable enough to do the basics of living. But I think the aim should always be to give medication and talking therapy/support and to work towards taking the least amount of medication necessary or coming off altogether.
And sometimes people are prescribed medication (esp ADs) when they don't really need them and would recover well with therapy alone. So I'm not against medication - I think it is over used and nobody should only be given it as the only treatment option.Health Question & Answer

I think talking therapies should be tried but if the depression then meds would be needed. For some people they definitely are necessary. Another thing to remember the meds don't have to be forever sometimes they are used short term to get you stable and then you go off them. It is important to keep up with your counseling.Health Question & Answer

My girlfriends daughter was clinically depressed...She finally had therapy, and after a few sessions, was decided she needed medicine...
She took therapy for 1 1/2 years, plus Zoloft....

She was weaned off the Zoloft and ended her therapy sessions......
She is doing great, working, happy and no longer depressed...

I don't know what did it, the combination, one or both..

Case #2: My son...He was given medicine only...he discontinued the meds after only 2 mos...He could not find a therapist who accepted insurance...He recovered on his own..I still wish he would have therapy, but he is alot better than he was.

#3: My best friend has always suffered all her life from anxiety.........
She talked endlessly about her problems to others, was too nervous to make a phone call when she had to speak to authority, i.e., her childrens teachers, etc...husband lost job in 9/11, she had to go back to work after 20+ years as a homemaker...

Was too nervous on the job, and kept messing up.lol...So she was placed on anti-depressants, and so far is doing well on her job as a dietary aide in a hospital.She loves the "happy pill" as she calls it..

I said "You can't stay on those indefinitely" So I hope she doesn't.....
But she says she had nothing to say to the psychologist, she did have a happy childhood..I suspect she has adult deficit disorder, hence the

I, myself, have been tempteHealth Question & Answer

I definitely think that doctors prescribe meds to too many people without having them try therapy, or for short-term issues. However, I do know that therapy doesn't help everyone and some people need meds. Personally, I don't think I'd still be alive if I didn't start taking meds so sometimes they're really essential.Health Question & Answer

hello Sammi...

What kind of medication precisely do you refer.? A standard conventional medicine that prescribed by a Medical Doctor.?

My thought is medication should be wisely use in case of Over The Counter drugs, and it's better to consult with a medical doctor for proper medication, because I believe each of us has own unique needs. We are different in DNA, genetics, metabolism, weights, etc. so we should use medication under professional health care practitioners.

Personally, I prefer natural cure with herbal remedies. I'm so lucky to have my doctor, a medical doctor specialized in aerospace medicine, and apply alternative healing as his method of treatment. He's applying Meridian Zone Therapy using Chronosonic Ultra Sound device, and he gives 75% herbal medicine and the rest is standard conventional medicine only for particular cases.

I comfortably with my doctor's method, because he's using both ways as his approach of healing. He also explained, that actually a medicine is a toxin, but with certain dosage accordingly to our needs when we are ill, it functions as theurapetic.Health Question & Answer

I would definitely like to see doctors take a more balanced approach in dispensing medication. I have a 40 year old husband who is disabled due to long term side effects of Dilantin. My husband was in the hospital recently (3 times in a one month period) because of Adverse Drug Reactions. This is a separate incident from his disability. Pills act quicker than conventional means and it is not only the doctors fault but America's fault for want everything fast and easy. The problem with pills is they are not natural and therefore you are at substantial risk for other health dangers by taking them. My husband had Psoriasis Vulgaris for 17 years. Ninety percent of his body was covered with large, red, cracking, and bleeding sores. His doctors wouldn't consider anything but medication. Why.? The medication wasn't working. I did some research and made dietary changes for him and now he only drinks water. It took a few months, but now his skin is completely free of Psoriasis. It is nice and smooth and he only has a slight discoloration from the Psoriatic sites. ADR (Adverse Drug Reactions) is the number one cause of death in America today. We need to get back to nature and rid our bodies of all these synthetic remedies because it is killing us. I'm not a fanatic and I believe medication is necessary at times, but it has gotten out of hand. Health Question & Answer

Dear Sammi,

Medication saved my life. I was in denial for many years and also felt terribly depressed to the point I was a threat to myself. I had a chemical imbalance. Medication balanced me and now I feel so much better and I live with peace in my mind. It all depends on the psychological condition but in my case it helped and it helped a lot
.Health Question & Answer

I have life long anxiety disorder,over the years I have been put on various drugs which have never seemed to work for me,I think because I would then worry about the side effects.Drugs work perfectly well for some people and not for others.I also have seen therapists etc which I also did not find very helpful.I have a new GP now and for the 1st time in a long time feel she may be able to help me.She has not wanted to bombard me with tranquilisers or anti depressants instead has prescribed beta blockers for me to take on an if need them basis to cut my adrenalin production down I am finding these useful.also I am finally on the waiting list for CBT. Health Question & Answer

Dear Sammi,
I believe that medication should be given before therapy because in some extreme cases there are patients and need it more than others .
One they are in better state of mind therefore can be able to express themselves better to the therapist and be able to understand better themselves.Health Question & Answer

I'm terrified of them. I am depressed and I'm trying therapy for now. I want to fix my life without having to resort to and becoming dependent on medication. I don't want to have to be on them for the rest of my life.Health Question & Answer

i think they do help but they are not a quick fix ... they usually take weeks to start working and if you come off them the problem is still there unless you learn to deal with it ... medication and talk therapy together is the best way to go i thinkHealth Question & Answer

i think u have no right to question this unless you have been there, pills might be the easy way out in your eyes but wer u raped, beaten and ur best friend was killed all in 3 wks.?.? no okay so dnt even go there cuz u kno wat sort of answers ur gunna get and it aint cool, sum ppl cant cope!!!! Health Question & Answer

I believe for some these medications are truly essential for life.
Health Question & Answer

Love 'em

vicadins are awesome but try and get blue Roxecettes....very good for snorten'Health Question & Answer

i think your just filling yourself with unnecessary chemicalsHealth Question & Answer

essential, they helped pull me out of a dark placeHealth Question & Answer

some times its harmfull Health Question & Answer

I think this is a complex issue. I think that these days GPs are too quick to hand out anti-depressants for what are actually social problems. For example, death or other loss, financial troubles. I think in these cases people should be referred to counselling if they feel it may be helpful, and the relavant agencies that can actually help them to sort through their life, even if its just a little.

I think clinical mental health problems should be taken just as serious as psychical ones, and some people NEED medication. I think people probably rely on medication too much-people are more likely to recover from depression if they recieve a combination of talking therapy AND medication. Its no good coming off anti-depressants and you havent learnt coping stratergies to help you deal with your feelings. As you say, there are people for who medication is essential and they may need it for the rest of their life. I dont see a problem with that. Again, you wouldnt probably critisize somebody for taking medication long term to deal with a psychical problem that was causing you lots of pain, so why should it be different with mental.?

Im finally on an anti-depressant after years of trying to fight medication alone. Im trying to arrange talking therapy and a social support group. I hope one day I'll feel able to live happily without the use of drugs.

I'd like to point out though medications often arent a "quick fix". Anti-depressants are designed to hopefully lift your mood enough for you to be able to do the rest of the work yourself. Being on meds has relieved my depression slightly, but its by no means a magic cure!Health Question & Answer

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