My boyfriend has a lot of trust issues and paranoia about our relationship?!

Question: My boyfriend has a lot of trust issues and paranoia about our relationship.?
He suffered a very bad childhood, physically and emotionally and i have been researching for what could be causing all these problems i have really been looking into PTSD. post traumatic stress disorder.? i dont know if im looking in the right direction.? he constantly has a feeling that everyone is out to get him, he always thinks im cheating on him, the most little thing like me changing clothes before he gets home sends him over the edge and he thinks ive been with some one and i have to change to get their smell off of me. Its thing like that everyday i try to make sure i don't do anything to make him worry, but i feel like im fighting a loosing battle. He is a great loving guy, not abusive or anything like that. But the things that he thinks are just not normal. I don't know what to do. I love him, and he loves me but things have to change. Health Question & Answer

Well he definitely, undeniably needs professional help to deal with the emotional consequences of his past. It's not his fault, and he's not beyond hope. And really no relationship of his is going to succeed in the long term if he doesn't.

As for you, you should know that this rarely gets better with age. This could be considered an emotionally abusive relationship, seeing as it creates an excess of anxiety in your life. That part won't change unless the core issues are addressed.Health Question & Answer

the problems are his, so step away and let him heal. you are too young for a relationship. enjoy life, surround yourself with positive people, and just date.Health Question & Answer

for all that you know's a sign of the future,, and it's your choice to stay or go.Health Question & Answer

This sounds exactly like me. I've had to deal with a lot of disappointments and have had many let me down who were once my best friends. I'm left paranoid and untrustful of anyone, including my closest friends. I constantly feel like everyones after me.

It was obvious I needed help, and friends were telling me to go to the docs but I never went. After one chat with someone, I soon realised that this wasn't just something recent caused by friends but it was something I had all my life and never realised it.

Eventually the manic depression and all its effects got so bad I almost lost everyone, including my best mate who said they'd had enough.

When that happened I couldn't cope at all. They said they missed me but the reason they're doing it is to let me get better, and eventually I relealised I had no choice but to go to the docs, and now I'm on a 28day prescription of Fluoxetine. Nothing happened straight away but I at least made the first step to getting help. I am once again talking to my mates, and people are already saying I seem more chilled and happier.

The reason he is taking it out on you is because people always take it out on the ones closest. And he is probably scared that with everything thats going wrong in his life, that he is going to lose you, so he finds himself constantly asking you questions to reassure himself.

You still need to be there for him, let him now you'll always be there, but you must tell him that he needs to get help. He MUST get to the docs, and don't worry about pride because everyone is doing it these days. It's nothing to be ashamed about, and you'll be glad you did it.Health Question & Answer

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