I have body dysmorphic disorder and I'm gay, and I seriously want to kill myself?!

Question: I have body dysmorphic disorder and I'm gay, and I seriously want to kill myself.?
I just turned 18, I', male, and I've had body dysmorphic disorder since I was 15/16. I frequently obsess over my weight and skin, even though I'm 10 lb. underweight and I only have very mild acne. I've become withdrawn because I don't look perfect, and want to get a nose job, even though my nose isn't abnormal looking, and laser hair removal on various spots, even though I'm not hairy. I can't control my body obsessions though. I'm also gay, even though I'm not discriminated by kids at school, I have no friends because the straight kids can't relate to me, and I feel my parents don't accept me even though they say they do. I feel so alone and ugly, and often have uncontrolable crying spells and major depressive episodes because of it. I've had suicide ideation many times, almost on a daily basis, because I feel life is a waste, and I want to die so I never have to feel pain again.

Can somebody please tell me what I should do.?Health Question & Answer

hi, I feel ALOT like u. i am 19 y.o girl but im not gay or anything but i think i have BDD. i have felt like this for many years since 15 or so and its getting worse. i feel so horrible. i quit uni coz i felt to ugly and like i didnt deserve to make something of my life and i dont have the motivation to do anything.and i dont look guys in the eyes coz i feel like i am disappointing them by being ugly. 2day i got dressed to go out and then looked at myself in the mirror and then didnt want to go out coz i think im to fat and my hair is flat etc... i have done this before. usually i just dont want to leave the house unless i have to. like even checking the mail...i hate to do.

i also want to get cosmetic surgery. i want to get sunspots on my face lasered off even though i know i have harldy any. its really irrational behaviour i know its so stupid but i cant help it. i also want to get collagin in my lips. i also dont have any close friends coz i push everyone away from me, im suicidal and fantasise about killing myself. i like to write about it when i can be bothered to. that might help u.? i have been cutting for a few months know. but plz dont try this coz once u do and u know what the feelings like its hard to stop. i do it when i feel sad or angry but mostly i just feel nothing like im numb. i wish that i would just be able to cry to feel something but i cant. i find it helps me to get a blade and just cut my desk instead of my body. maybe doing this will help u.?

it really astounds me how similar our "problems" are. i know that the only solution to this is to go to the Dr's and let them tell me where to go from there only its not as easy as it sounds. im sure u will agree.

well this is really only brief points into how i feel as i dont want to write to much obviously, but if u want to msg me about how u feel or whatever i think it would be cool.

Edit.: i just found this website. im still not sure but i hope it may relieve how u feel if not for a minute. http://www.metanoia.org/suicide/Health Question & Answer

First off, don't kill yourself. It would break your parent's hearts. And your problem is not so bad that you need to kill yourself. I can understand how you feel isolated and stuff. The fact is even the most "perfect" people feel isolation and depression at times. Please tell your parents what you are going through. You really should check into some therapy and don't be ashamed about it.

Whatever you do, just remember that life is precious, especially yours.

Health Question & Answer

Dude please dont kill yourself, all thats going to do is bring more pain to other people.

And you just turned 18.? You got your whole life ahead of you you could move to a new place (maybe with more gays.?) and try to find people you can relate to you. Change it up if your not happy but just quiting is never going to work. Health Question & Answer

I don't have specific ideas about those problems but I can relate to living with feelings of wanting to die. This may not be what you want to hear but it is my best advice - I couldn't go on without God. I'll pray for you - would you pray for you .? God can give you a reason to live and soothe your pain.Health Question & Answer

if you die.... the man of your dreams and your soul mate will be left with no one... and tomorrow... you might miss out of the happiest moment of your life... in other words... think of the future because although your sad right now... trust me, it could be a lot worst... imagine you were disabled in a wheel chair or had scars all over your body from burns or you were actually disfigured... you said so yourself that there is NOTHING wrong with the way you look. There are only brighter days ahead sunshine... keep your chin up... no one wants to see you fall!!Health Question & Answer

dont do it!!!!!!!! its a phase you are going through, a lot of rough **** happens at 18!. heres my advice to you: find an interest that excites you and spend your time becoming an expert in that field (for example fashion, health, or any line of work that excites you). that will be your callin bro! not only will you become good at that but you will attract and run into people wit the same interest as you and now you have friends! and life starts to lighten up on you! hang in there bud! Health Question & Answer

Even though I haven't met anyone as intense as you are. I suggest meeting new gay people. If you can just go to your counselor.Health Question & Answer

don't kill yourself!!!!
everyone gets depressed now and then, everyone has problems in their life...just try to think more positively and think about all the good thingsHealth Question & Answer

I am sure there are thousands of helpful wanna be doctors on YA who will be willing to offer their expert advice.Health Question & Answer

Get yourself some serious therapy with a good counselor.Health Question & Answer

Did you know there are some wonderful anti depression drugs out there, and they can make you feel a lot better.Health Question & Answer

GET HELPHealth Question & Answer

Getting a counselor and a doctor is good advice but very frequently people already have doctors and counselors yet they remained depressed. With those anti-depressant medications none of them work. Over and over I see people write they are on an anti-depressant medication and they are still depressed, which makes no sense to me. I am not a wanna be doctor, but at 18 there is to much to live for. This may sound facetious but it is not and is true. I like to make a top 10 reasons I did not hang myself today list, and that is not comedy. Right now my two cats are numbers 10 and 9. They need me. They could not survive without me. Think of all the good you do in the world to keep going. Coffee and cigarettes are numbers one and two. Some family member that love me are on the list. And this week the NLCS, National League Championship Series, MLB, between the Dodgers and Phillies made the top 10. Good night and good luck!!!Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to someone like a psychologist or a counsellor. Is there a gay men's health centre near where you are.? That would be the best place to see a doctor who understands your situation. Ask if there is a counsellor or psych there.

You can get help for this condition. If you are in Australia you can get 6-12 sessions (well, up to 18 in some situations) with a psychologist through medicare. Many will bulk bill so you won't have to pay anything. Ask your doctor to give you a referral. This condition is treatable and is not that uncommon these days. You may need to be on some medication for a little while to help you deal with this.

also talk to your parents and tell them how you feel. You are their son. They love you,

Suicide is not the answer, it is a very aggressive and selfish act. Think about the people who find you and have to spend the rest of their lives wondering if they could have done anything to prevent this.

You have a lot of life to look forward to, life is good, can be lots of fun and can even be exciting. There is someone out there waiting for you one day - Mr Right.

You have just been a bit brainwashed by your social environment, and it sounds like you have a bit of a tendency to depression. All of this is treatable. Obsessions are very treatable. Mild acne is treatable. DEpression is treatable. Get some help.

I wish I were 18 again. You are not alone, there are many young people who get depressed and upset about their body image. Just go and see your doctor, a school counsellor or someone who can help.

Are you in Australia.? Listen to Joy Radio. Make a decision to have some fun. Only you can make that decision, and take that step.

Health Question & Answer

I think you should see a psychiatrist; BDD isn't something to be taken lightly, especially if it has been going on for several years now.

First off, I just want you to know that I'm really sad that you're going through all of this but you really sound like an intelligent person and I'm sure with time you'll find a solution for your problems.

To be honest, I don't think that I'm qualified to give an advice as I'm going through a lot of emotional distress mainly because of the way I look. But from my experience I really found that changing your perception or the way you see a problem is the best antidote.
And the most basic change you have to do is how you see life.
Both you and I know that life is much more deeper that looks (weather or not we admit it),
We all have dreams that we want to accomplish, we all want to experience love, sex, joy and even witness a new technology.

before I go I would like to recommend you to buy a book called

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