OCD...with HIV..............?!

Question: OCD...with HIV...............?
I am suffering from a bad case of OCD with HIV. I am always under the thinking that I have it although I am married and faithful to my wife and she is faithful to me. We dont have any risk factors. But I am always worried that we may catch it from a mistake at a doctor or a nurse reusing the needle or at the dentist or barber and so on..Now the thing is that recently I have been seeing HIV everywhere. I take these as signs that I am really infected. It is like when I open yahoo I directly see an article on HIV. Or I open the TV and see a show about it. Yesterday I was reading online about abortion (my wife is pregnant) and I was reading to see what might cause it and I saw a question about the ethical value of abortion if the mother has HIV. Being the obsessed guy that I am, I took this as a sign that my wife has HIV !!!

Is this normal with OCD.?.? seeing signs everywhere :sHealth Question & Answer

Yes, since you have OCD, it is "normal" (for want of a better term) for you to see signs everywhere.

Okay, let me understand you correctly...you've actually been clinically diagnosed with OCD, and your obsession is that you may be infected with HIV.?

I am sorry you have this obsession. My obsessions revolved around cleanliness issues (I have severe OCD myself).

I know that with obsessive/compulsive disorder, reality doesn't matter- just perception. All I can do is tell you that logically, you don't really have HIV. Intellectually, you also realize that you don't have HIV. The problem is that you cannot divorce yourself from the FEELING and the perception that you have HIV. It is a false alarm going off in your mind. Have you ever heard about the false alarm theory.?

Are you currently seeing a therapist.? If not, I encourage you to do that. He or she can help you use logic to combat your phobias/obsessions. also, I encourage you to read about OCD, if you haven't already- and if you have, there is always more to learn.

OCD is, after all, the most complex of all the anxiety disorders. It is literally rocket science.

But there is certainly hope- and I wish you well, my friend! You are not alone!Health Question & Answer

You won't get HIV by touching stuff.

You won't get HIV if there is no blood on the needle.
As long as they put alcohol on your skin to disinfect germ before they poke you with needle, then you're okay.

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