About how long does it take to get over a good friends death?!

Question: About how long does it take to get over a good friends death.?
About how long does it take to get over a good friends death.?
a friend of mine ( 17 yr old female) had this very good guy friend. theywere friends or 2 yrs and slowly got real close. her soon started to fall in love with her but she didnt "love" him back in that way. although she really did love him as a friend.she genuinly cared for him and perosnally if you ask me, she did love him as more than a friend, but she was too scared about what would happen....anyway.....last week......he commited suicide for reasons unknown. (i didnt really know him very well) just before he did it...he called her to let her know and pretty much just told her that he just wanted to let her know that shes the only girl he ever loved and will die in love with her.. and said...."goodbye" and "im sorry". she is currently heartbroken. i never seen her like this. about how long until you think she starts getting better or gets over it completely.?...if ever
Health Question & Answer

I have lost way too many people to count. The most recent were my dad and 2 aunts. I am 31 and my friend in High School committed suicide as well.

It never goes away. The pain will subside after time. Just try and be there for her. Let her cry and get angry. For me, people would give me condolensces and that made me feel a lot better! I know there are some people who do not feel that way.

It still hits me hard when someone I knew or know dies. I still have days where I am mad as hell that my dad was only 52 and died, and then the next day I am fine. The memory of the person never goes away and I guess it shouldn't. As long as she stays away from drugs and alcohol, she should be ok over a long period of time. If she starts getting depressed, has panic attacks, or anxiety have her see a dr.

You are a VERY GOOD friend. Health Question & Answer

People are responsible for their own actions and your friend should not blame herself for his death. In coming to terms with the death she will need time, how long varies. She may be able to do it just by the help of her friends or may need more professional help. Its not going to be easy the feeling of guilt with probably be eating at her. Try some bereavement websites....try the link below.....also has telephone numbers to speak to people who may be able to help. Good luck. Health Question & Answer

Depends explain to her that it was not her fault it was his and he may have been mentally unstable. Do it carefully.Health Question & Answer

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