Please help me.. im am worried about my grandma..Alzheimer's?!

Question: Please help me.. im am worried about my grandma..Alzheimer's.?
okay, here is the deal. i love my grandma very much and she refuses to go to the doctor. i really do think she has the early symptoms of Alzheimer's. this morning she asked me what school i went to, and she knew that very well, she takes us there almost everyday.

i called my dad and told him what she was saying and so he came up here and started asking her questions like where we go to school and she said the name of our local high school, which is not our school.

she also repeats stories alot, im not sure if she is aware that she does or not.

my grandpa died in '04 and she will wake up in the middle of the night and ask me what happened to him..that is really what hurts me the most.

she has spells where she can't remember anything. mostly in the morning, doing what i have just explained. but most of the time she is fine.

and she went to the doctor one time because my dad forced her too, and they said that she did not have Alzheimer's..but it sounds like it to me.

what should i do.?Health Question & Answer

There are many different causes of dementia besides Alzheimer's including Parkinson's, stroke and B12 deficiency. If you still feel like there's something going on with her, I would strongly suggest seeking a second opinion, preferably with a neurologist or a doctor who has similar experiences dealing with dementia.

If caught early enough there are many medications that can help with Alzheimer's. Not a cure, by a long shot, but Namenda and Aricept can delay the progression of AD and maintain the current cognitive level. Health Question & Answer

Yes darling, sure sounds like it. My Grandma had it and I use to work in Nursing Homes with Alzheimer's patients from the beginning stages until the end and it's truely sad to see. I'm so sorry you are going to have to go through that with your Grandma. But if she's put on medication now it will help prolong it. Thinking of you...Health Question & Answer

first of all, I want to say how sorry I am for what you and your family are going through. I took care of my father for 10 yrs, and he has Alzheimer's. Your grandma has all the classic signs. She needs to get on a medication called Aricept. Talk to your father about
this. She does not live by herself does she.? it sounds as if it is getting to a dangerous point if she forgets how to run the stove or something like that. I hope you can convince your parents to get her to the doctor. It is time. Good luck, hon.Health Question & Answer

Yes, Maggie, You're probably mostly right. Alzheimers is very hard to definitely diagnose. It's subtle. When she wakes in the night without your grandpa, it is much more painful for her than you can imagine. You are so lucky that she still drives you to school! Have you EVER considered how long it takes her to get home after she takes you to school.? LOL! If I were you, I'd buy her a GPS for Christmas this year! Perfect! She is obviously smart enough to use one, and while the GPS does the dumb 'turn here, turn there' things for her, she can reflect upon what to thrill you about for dinner tonight!Health Question & Answer

first off, i am really sorry.
watching a loved one deteriorate in such a way is truly devastating.

i worked at a nursing home for alzheimer's patient's, years ago. it was very painful to watch.

your grandma may very well have dementia, which is very similar symptom wise to alzheimers. my great-grandmother did the same things you speak of your grandmother doing and we had her evaluated. they just said it was dementia.

either way, it is hard to see and to deal with. just be there. just take care of her... (which i know you already are). that's really all you can do.

take care. Health Question & Answer

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