What do ya do when you miss your friends from your psychiatric hospitalization?!

Question: What do ya do when you miss your friends from your psychiatric hospitalization.?
like how do you not get so down. I am really missing one named vivian because she was like a mom figure while i was in there, and she helped me keep a smile on and i helped her as well, we were besties in there lol. we cried when i left, and hugged and that was her 7th time being in a hospital for attempted suicide. i just really wanna know that she's okay and did well at her court meeting. but i know i'll probably never find out. how can i keep myself from getting too sad.?Health Question & Answer

It seems to me that people come into our lives at times when we are in need of information or support they offer. Their is a book called "Life is a River", that talks about this in detail.
I am sure that she benefited from the relationship also.
Just take this positive experience into the future, and be sure that she would want you to live a happy and productive life. Health Question & Answer

Try to realize that its very normal to bond when you go through something like that with someone. However, the relationships that helped you while you were in the hospital are usually not healthy for you when you get out. You don't need to take on any one else's problems. I bet they counseled you in the hospital about not getting involved with other patients. It may sound harsh, but you must concentrate on fixing yourself. You won't be able to help anyone else if you don't. I think it is best if you do not have contact with her. I feel so bad that she was in there for seven suicide attempts. I am afraid she would hinder your getting well. Why don't you pray for her and try to leave that in God's hands and work on getting better so you don't end up like that. Take care.Health Question & Answer

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