How can I fall asleep with anorexia?!

Question: How can I fall asleep with anorexia.?
I am about to become pre-anorexic because I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing myself fat! I know you could die from anorexia but since I don't actually have anorexia I probably won't go too far with it...

Question: How can I get to sleep when I have anorexia.? Wouldn't I not be able to sleep because I'm so hungry.?.? I need someones advice!

Please no comments about "Don't do anorexia it is bad you could die" I know already..

Please help!Health Question & Answer

Glass of skim / 2% milk before bed, warm or cold depending on your preference. Less than 100 calories, I'm sure even an anorexic can fit that into their diet.Health Question & Answer

This is an absolutely ridiculous question. The fact that you are even asking a question like this indicates to me you have absolutely no idea the dangers of an eating disorder. This is not something you choose, it is not a diet, and despite popular opinion, it is not a joke. Eating disorders ruin lives, they kill. I don't care if that's not what you want to hear.

If you think you are fat and would like to get in shape, I recommend watching what you eat, limiting your intake of fat and sugar and eating healthier. also try working out, cardio and strength training. Join a fitness class!

Don't listen to these ridiculous posts from wannarexics, anyone with a true eating disorder would never encourage anyone, they would never wish this upon anybody.Health Question & Answer

Oh lord, you need to get help just the way you are asking this question is irrational. And don't get me wrong i'm not judging you but there are ways to lose weight without starving yourself. You need help anorexia is a mental disorder that can really harm you. And by you says don't do anorexia is just the mentality of someone suffering of it. Just go to a clinic or a therapist you need to eat honey.Health Question & Answer

Don't be silly. Anorexia isn't something you can just decide you are going to have. Like "Oh I think I'll get cancer today." If you did have the will power to stop eating completely, which I doubt, then you for sure would have had the will power to loose weight in a more sensible way already. So why didn't you do that.? Health Question & Answer

f-u-c-k! you..i have anorexia and i hate it..i hate everything..i can't belivie you...i never wanted or even thought about dieting until this ugly demond hit me..ive lost so much from wish you could take my place have to go to in inpatient programs..or go to grow up! you are the most selfish stuipest person ive ever met..i really hate you because if you actually had this disorder you relizie its more than just wanting to be skinny..ahh you make me so mad and know how long i put into recovery.? know how much pain i feel.? you.? you don't because you just want to be anoreixia..and FWI anoreixia suffers do eat just not a lot..I hate you!Health Question & Answer

i know exactly why you want to be anorexic!

i was there a few months ago and it is so hard to get to sleep it is like insomnia. try relaxing ur whole body 1 part at a time so even though you are not sleeping your body is getting rest if u r really relaxed

im not going to tell you not to b anorexic

but just so u know

when u starve ur body u lose lots of weight but ur body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism goes way down so when u are skinny enough and eat normal again u will gain a lot of weight quickly

i found this out the hard way so anorexia is like never ending cycle its a pain in the butt

thought u might want 2 know

hope dat helps :)Health Question & Answer

What.?! are you serious, if you just want to loose weight,
hit up Jenny Craig. Dont just starve youself for a quick fix.
If you do, the weight you loose will come back faster than you think.

Anorexia is a disease, there is no such thing as only having it a little bit, or "pre-anorexic" as you called it. And for you to want to go on a "starvation diet" that's really pathetic.Health Question & Answer

someone like me!
same here. heres what hapens and goes through my mind.
when i walk, i can see my self walking and im huge. like the ground is shaking.
i see this huge figure in the mirror.
i compare myself to everyone else including the mannequins at the store. they are just so perfectly shaped, so and totally unlike me.
if only i was thin. i would be happy and i know it.
yesterday i ate so much!!!!!!!!!
cereal for breakfast
nothing for lunch =]]
a 100 calorie granola bar.
a slice of cheese
breakfast bar for dinner.

jesus f-ing c h r i s t!

im a fattttyyyyyyyy
[[ 5'4 1/2 and 130lbs!

we can be anorexic buddies!!!!!

yeah you can fall asleep. but you'll wake up from time to time.
but hey, you go to sleep.Health Question & Answer

You are an absolute idiot!
I hope you get what you wish for and then see what all the people who read this question see.. a pathetic kid who is so desperate for attention they try to 'get' a serious mental and physical illnessHealth Question & Answer

I'd say almost all people who are anorexics start out on just a diet and it gets out of hand. Starvation diets aren't healthy for you. Try exercising more and eat only HEALTHY foods. No oreos or cheetos or doritos or ice cream! Health Question & Answer

i am anerexic and it is soo not worth it you cant sleep ur sooo hungry everyone needs to love themself and please just go on a diet just dont hurt yourself PLEASE!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

you are pathetic, STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK PEOPLE THINK!!!Health Question & Answer

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