2-in-1 question: Anger and waking up early?!

Question: 2-in-1 question: Anger and waking up early.?
Ok, so I get realllly angry. My head starts hurting really bad, and I cant breath. The 1-10 technique doesnt work. I get to the point where I could just go murder someone. I hate it. I'm a ***** to my parents, and I cant control it. I dont like to be like this. I have a problem, what should I do.?

and 2.)

I can't seem to get up early. Like I'm up physically, but I'm unable to get out of bed. I have to drag myself out.. WHat do i do to get up early.? Health Question & Answer

It could be that you have a little depression going on. Sometimes when you can't get up in the morning and you have actually had a decent nights sleep and you are mad when you wake up then it could be a little depression. Try taking St. Johns Wort it is an over the counter mood enhancer. I took it for a while since I have been out of work because I was having similar problems and I didn't have insurance to go to the doctor and get something else. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You need to get a sleep pattern and get a job which I bet you don't have.
You need to get your life in a routine and if you really hated being a pri*k to your parents then you would just walk away and not say anything to them because in the end it achieves nothing good.
You need to get your life into a routine and get a job and as I have said a million times before a fit body and job will solve most people problems. Health Question & Answer

Definitely sounds like extreme anxiety, and possibly bi-polar. You need to see a doctor.
I'm really glad you didn't say you might murder someone (online)
You sound young, maybe you should start by telling your parents, and make them understand you really can't control yourself.
You will wake up early and normally, when your body is feeling normal again.
Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

I know how you feel. Is there something going on at school or home that would cause you to get so upset and not be able to wake up early.?.?Health Question & Answer

My boyfriend is having this problem now, but that's because I cheated on him five months ago. Please don't judge me as it's a long story, basically he feels angry because he left me here for the weekend when he knew I hadn't had therapy for being beaten and raped in the past, and now he feels like he could have done something to stop my cheating on him. This happened six months ago, slowly he is starting to be able to not be so angry and calm down some, but he still gets these headaches, and occasionally stays up all night thinking of ways to murder the guy. It's hard, and he needs help. He refuses though, but he has me here to help him. I recommend either you visit a shrink or talk to a really good friend who you know wouldn't judge you, talk about what's bothering you no matter how simple or small it seems. And if it is going to hurt someone's feelings if they found out, honestly, tell them anyways. My boyfriend does this and it makes me cry and break my heart everytime, but I can tell he is getting better because each time he tells me more and then he'll go longer without feeling bad again. : )

It takes alot of hard work and time, but you CAN get over your rage! Your sleeping problems ARE caused by your anger, I promise. Try to chill and find someone to talk to. :)
GOOD LUCK.Health Question & Answer

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