Why can't i ever seem to be happy?!

Question: Why can't i ever seem to be happy.?
well when i was 13 i was diagnosed with depression. and i just gave birth to a beautiful little girl 11.2 weeks ago. i have a loving husband and you would think that this would be the happiest time of my life. i do take medication for my depression and it really seemed to help for the first two months but now it seems like it's worn off. i do have some marriage problems but i trying you know. my husband seems to be getting very aggressive and i try to tell him but all it does is make him worse. even though i know he's playing around most of the time it still scares the hell out of me. i just have no friends where i live and i have no one to talk to and keeping it bottled up inside is starting to take a toll on me. i'm also upset because he lost his job for being stupid so now i have no money coming in the house for 2 more weeks and i don't get any help with my daughter and i just feel like i'm going to go crazy. any advice.? anyone to talk to.?Health Question & Answer

I think it's really time to talk to someone professorially. There are a lot of organization that will do free counseling for different reasons. here in Australian we have that I know of The Vietnam Vets counseling Service This is a service for any family member of a armed forces that have seen combat. There are bound to be many others that I don't know of and may help you in your area. As for your hubby there are many reasons he's acting like with everything your going through as a family and singularly. Don't feel ashamed you need help no one can go through life without hurting ever once and a while and your asking for help just not in the right area. And remember that half the population is seeking some form of mental health help and the other half should.Health Question & Answer

Have a look at this video clip about EFT. It is a tapping techique on the Accupuntcture.?pressure points and it WORKS. If you believe in it or not.

.?v=aQp0kA5a5OI&feature=related" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch.?v=aQp0kA5a5...

Good luck!
Health Question & Answer

It sounds to me as if maybe you have allot of thinking time on your hands.? You have what therapists term a busy mind and you don't want a busy mind, you want to be somewhere in the middle, and you find your middle by doing things that disrupt this process, staying active, reading, meditation, just anything that gets you mind off your anxiety and worry. You cant find happiness through medications or other people, happiness is a inside job, it's brought about by the positive things you do in life, by doing good things for others makes a person feel good about themselves, so if you can find ways to bring good things into your life, you may start to feel better.? Health Question & Answer

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