Do you think that depression should be talked about in schools?!

Question: Do you think that depression should be talked about in schools.?
Did you know that 54% of people think of depression as a personal weakness.? 20% of teens will deal with depression. 4% of preschoolers are depressed. 15% of people with depression will commit suicide. 70% of teens with depression do not get help. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in teens.
In my school we never learned about depression until FRESHMAN YEAR! We learned about anorexia and bulimia in 8th grade, we learned about drugs and sex since 6th grade, but never was depression mentioned, never was it told to us that it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is something teachers just poke at, but is never made personal. We learned very little about it so far, but we did talk about suicide. The only helpful information we learned was when I volunteered my own personal experiences, and was able to answer questions that the teacher wasn't.
In 6th grade we spent months talking about the f***ing areas of health (Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social). We learned the street names of drugs. We learned about sex, and STDs, we learned about self-esteem, and touchy-feely sh!t about how we are all unique, but never did we spend one f***ing DAY on depression.
My friend started Prozac in 6th grade. I got depressed when I was 13, and the only reason I looked for help is my mother has it, and told me earlier in life that it was nothing to be ashamed of. Imagine the kids who grow up in an upper-middle class family, with business men fathers, and country club mothers, told that they are supposed to be happy, and depression is for "emo freaks" and that they are too good for that. What is going to happen i they get depressed.? They will hide it, isolate themselves, and eventually possibly commit suicide. It could have been prevented if the government mandated that they spent one f***ing WEEK on depression every year in health class. Think of how many lives that could save. Think of all the people that would get help, and be pulled out of that miserable world of darkness that is depression.Health Question & Answer

Yes! Good idea!

Mental illness is still stigmatized no one likes to talk about it - that makes the sick person feel even worse.

The more Depression (and other mental illnesses) are talked about and brought "to the light" so to speak, maybe the stigma will get reduced and more people might seek treatment.Health Question & Answer

yeah it would be nice to have program about Depression...

Maybe a depression class Teach kids how to cope with depression.Health Question & Answer

that's agood idea since so many people go through depression in their livesHealth Question & Answer

that was to long to read, but
i think that depression should
be talked aboutHealth Question & Answer

Yes, schools should probably spend some more time on depression. i use to suffer from depression and took some medication for it which helped significantly. I was lucky that my mother is a nurse and actually asked me about it and wanted me to go see a doctor to see what he thought. she didn't think anything was wrong with me or course, she just wanted me to be happy. I feel so much better now, i haven't taken an anti-depressant since i was around 18 (i'm 24 now) and i'm happily married and my life couldn't be better.Health Question & Answer

Depression is one of the major mental illnesses. But they should talk about it. They only talk about it in Psychology. Shame. Health Question & Answer

many people in my family suffer/have suffered from depression.. my cousin committed suicide and my sister cut herself and almost killed herself. im no stranger to depression, im pretty damn depressed myself at the moment actually. i know for a fact it would have helped me so much if they had talked to us about it BEFORE high school...Health Question & Answer

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