Has anyone else had a non cancerous brain tumor?!

Question: Has anyone else had a non cancerous brain tumor.?
I had a large 'peach sized' menigomia removed from my right frontal lobe about five years ago. It left me with my left side paralyzed. I had to go to in house rehab to re learn how to walk, eat, dress myself, etc. I did well, and am doing most everything my left side should do again, although a bit weak and shaky.
Problem is the tumor damaged my mood and behavior sensors so I ended up not having the ability to know ahead of time how to control my anger, fits of crying, and all that goes along with mood and behavior. Once I am in the cycle of 'non control', I can't stop it...it sort of runs it's course. It terrible for those around me, and for me too, because I end up feeling like I have been hit by a truck.
also, I never realized if your limbs are paralyzed, so are the internal organs on that side, so...........I wet myself without notice, and all kinds of not nice stuff happens.
I had seizures for three years after the surgery until massive doses of anti-seizure meds finally stopped the seizires. I have to be on them for the rest of my life. Reactions to some of those meds have left me in depression (have a psycharist now).
Am just hoping to find someone who had a similiar experience that I can talk to.
Everytime I look here on the net for any kind of support group, it always goes to cancerous tumors. I was lucky, I know, but would so much like to talk with someone who understands all the ups and downs of having had your head opened up and poked around in. It changes everything about who you were!Health Question & Answer

i carnt help you on this but i would recommend putting this question in a different category and you may get a few more answers..sorry i ccouldn't helpHealth Question & Answer

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