Mental condition? please don't be mean?!

Question: Mental condition.? please don't be mean.?
well lately i've noticed that I care a lot about attention and people caring about me. I often feel really jealous if someone gets more attention than me. Sometimes I just want people to understand my depression and anxiety. They say " you want me to feel sorry for you". That's not true. I'm in therapy but I don't see a way out of this. I have obsessive thoughts and I can't stop worrying and crying. I'm always seeking reassurance from people and constantly irritated. Sometimes I just feel out of control and I feel like one day, that I won't be able to take life when it hits me. what is this that's going on.? I'm only 20. I have no family support and like no real friends. All the ones that I had, just drifted away. I just hate myself, and I want to smile like everyone else...Idk what to do anymore. I'm in college and it's hard and sometimes my professors don't understand me! I'm really trying to keep a straight head and I really want things to be okay. Idk what my next steps are. I just want to smile againHealth Question & Answer

I'm 29 and I had the same kinds of issues in high school and college, including the part about having no family support. You're not alone. What I can tell you is that emotional problems are not taken seriously by most of society because it's not easy for them to understand. If you had a broken arm or something, you'd have no problem finding sympathy and support. But problems in the mind and the emotions... these are invisible.

I would suggest that you begin keeping a journal of your feelings and thoughts. At the same time, contact support groups in your area or at your school. No one on Y!A could properly diagnose a thing like that, not even me, but it's good that you had the courage to reach out, nonetheless!

Be well and take steps to get in touch with a professional.

~PoppHealth Question & Answer

well liking attention
isn't a disease, but
maybe your just going
through depression
or you're bipolar.
maybe your having these
symptoms because of
no family support or you have
no friends. some may understand
but you are kinda wanting people
to feel sorry for you. just don't automatically
assume that everyone wants to hear your
problems. keep to yourself, but don't be
antisocial, just talk to your therapist and
keep your personal life from other peopleHealth Question & Answer

I feel exactly the same way you do, hun. I don't crave attention much, however, usually I just want to be left alone. Step one is realizing you have this problem, and it's not something you can control. Therapy will help you, but it's not going to cure you. You should see a specialist, talk to him about your problems, and see what options he has for you.Health Question & Answer

When I was in college there was a counseling center on campus. They offered free short term counseling (not therapy), you might want to consult with the counseling center at school and get some assistance from them. also do you have an adviser.? Perhaps you could go to your adviser and get some perspective from him or her. Good luck, I know college can be a real challenge so get the help you need, it will be one less thing to worry about.Health Question & Answer


Its hard to say if this is a mental condition aside from the anxiety and depression. some of what you say reminds me a bit of borderline personality disorder which I have myself and which I have read a few books on, so maybe its worth looking into that or asking your therapist or going to your gp for a chat.

best of luck
xHealth Question & Answer

Hi There, I have been suffering from depression for well over a year now, and have just started to get better, You will feel better but you need to get help from your Gp and get counseling if you can it really helps,I also have 3 little kiddy's, so imagine what my wife went through. I again have a lack of close Friends because I am married. If you want to talk drop me a line and I will call you.

Keep your chin high and look to the future, don't worry about what anyone says.Health Question & Answer

Well... first you should try 2 make one friend, a really close and good one. Try not 2 be so pushy for attention and try to be nice funny and calm. Its okay if you have an attention problem... it's not like your being mean or rude and it's not intentional so don't feel that bad about it... just smile again =] Health Question & Answer

Ouch! sweety... well i think the best for u to do its to just dont worry about anething, just relax n enjoy ur life :)
smile everytime u can ... love everybody around u n apreciate wht u have, family, friends and all ppl around u!!
those ppl are around u coz tthey apreciate u sooo much! they love u so gotta show love back! :)

be safe n email me if u need someone to talk ! :)Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you have neurosis.
People with this disorder suffer from high levels of anxiety or tension in managing their daily lives. Examples could include panic attacks, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Health Question & Answer

its not a mental condition im doing the same thig espacially whn im on my period and im 14Health Question & Answer

I would never be mean. I've experienced in my life at different times the same things you're going thru. You're having a terrible time with depression and with low self-esteem. I've battled this all my life. You've got to stop being so hard on yourself. You are your own "worse enemy". You have a hectic schedule. you need to slow down and at least one day a week have a day that you do something totally enjoyable. Go get your nails done, see a movie, go visit a friend or relative. for me, surrounding myself with good positive friends help. Keep your chin up, and as often as you can SMILE, even if you don't feel like it. You'll be amazed at how much better you will feel. GOD BLESS YOU!!Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you have high anxiety and depression. It's ok most people experience this.
Sinc eyou are in college, see if they offer counseling and see a psychologist. They might feel you need to go on medication to balance your chemicals,,
it's ok...don't feel bad or weird..
You need to get on medication..lots of people I know are and this have made them smile like everyone else.

Life is hard and full of challenges.
you will find all the support you need, and friends that love you.
Everything happens for a reason, so just go get a psyhcologist to speak to.
Some college professors are jerk, but you will run into a few that wil make a difference in your life.
Health Question & Answer

Your feelings are normal. There are a lot of people who feel the way you do, including myself. Im 21 and I know its stressful and you constantly feel pressure to be better. What you need to do is talk to your school counselor and stop comparing yourself to everyone arund you. You're perfectly fine just the way you are. You just need someone to talk to. COunseling will really help. If you arent already, try a new activity, like a club or a sport to take your mind off the stress of life. You'll be fine.Health Question & Answer

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