I'm out of medications until Monday....Feeling weird...?!

Question: I'm out of medications until Monday....Feeling weird....?
On Friday I found out I'd run out of Effexer XR and Noratriptilyne. I called to get a refill, but it turns out the prescrption was expired, so they'd have to do some faxing. They said I should call again in one or two days before coming.

I figure, what are the odds of getting stuff on Saturday.? Which means I'm kind of in it for the long hall. I think I'll be okay, but it's leaving me anxious. And I've been having really horrific nightmares. (A Dream where the whole world was a bad Mega Man game; world getting destroyed by aleins; I get sent to hell.)

Umm...Any tips.? I don't think I'll do anything stupid, but it leaves me anxious. This isn't my produest moment. I'm usually more responsible.Health Question & Answer

In the US, if you take your prescription or a bottle to the pharmacist and explain what happened, MOST will give you a couple of days of pills.

Some will require a call to your doctor.

It is better than going through withdrawl....Health Question & Answer

Go to your doctor - assuming you are in the UK, you can see an emergency doctor and get a short term prescription from the emergency chemist and then get your repeat ASAP.
The point of mental health meds is that they need to be taken regularly.

If you really can't get to the doctor, find someone you trust completely and tell them, asking them to stay with you 24, 7 until you have your meds again.

Try to get them tonight.Health Question & Answer

Effexor is an SSRI they are know for making people feeling a little dizzy and not quite themselves. Call your pharmacy back and ask them for two days worth of pills until they can figure out the script mess. If they have a record that you have been on it they should be willing to do it. If you get a no right away ask to speak directly to the pharmacist. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

Maybe drink some wine to relax.? Or get a ton of videos (non-scary related), mabye romantic comedy type, and immerse yourself. Order in a big, delicious pizza and maybe invite some of your girlfriends over for a slumber party. (the Sex in the City DVDs or Desperate Housewives would be perfect for a slumber party!)

Good luck! Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen and Monday will be here before you know it!!Health Question & Answer

if you can, go to an urgent care or express med facility and explain. take your empty bottles. they will either give you samples or an rx for two days. I always keep extra meds on hand for this reason. They are in a spot where my meds are normally not kept, just in case I lose them. These meds shouldn't be suddenly stopped so be careful.Health Question & Answer

go up to the emergency room and bring your bottles with you and they will be able to write you enough until you get a hold of your doctor on monday.Health Question & Answer

withdrawal particularly from venlafaxine (Effexor) could leave you a little flu like til Monday. Have a SMALL drink at night if you wish and I'll see you Monday.
In other words youll be fine!!Health Question & Answer

The pharmacy should be able to give you 2-3 days of emergency pills since you've had a prescription. Mine does.Health Question & Answer

the pharmacy should be able to give you emergency pills

Health Question & Answer

wow them dreams sound awesome Health Question & Answer

The pharmacy should be able to give you enough to get through the weekend. Depending how long you have been on medication, you should have "enough in your system" to at least get you through until Monday. In the meantime, work on using lots of coping skills and talk to people you trust. I am surprised your doctor allowed you to run that low. Try keeping track and when you are within a week or week and a half, ask for a new prescription. You may not be able to get it filled right away, as it may be "too soon" according to my pharmacy, but at least you will have it. Good luck and please take care. Health Question & Answer

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