Was he out of order or did I deserve it?!

Question: Was he out of order or did I deserve it.?
I wil try to keep this sort-

basically I have had an awful week with my depression and suicidal thoughts, I have been begging for help as i was scared of how I was feeling. I had spoken to home treatment and my gp a few times.
On friday my key worker rang me for about 10 minutes as she was told to by home treatment, she was nice it went fine and she said if I needed to speak to her before she went home then it was no problem to ring.

I came off the phone and felt panicky and depressed and I just needed to see someone for them to tell me I would be ok so I stupidly got a lift to the department and asked would it be possible to see my key worker for 10 mins before she went home.

Another woman came and told me know but I would get a phonecall next week, i said that was fine but went to the toilets crying. I went back to reception and asked to speak to another lady as I was feeling so awful.

This is the part I would like advice on...

A man appeared and told me in a very agressive and condescending tone that my appointment with my key worker wasnt until the 30th of this month (which is wrong) and that I basically had no right to see my key worker or anyone else and that my key worker had infact spent enough time on me that day (a ten min phonecall) and that I should just go home......
...every time I tried to speak he spoke over me and didnt let me say a single word. He made me feel like dirt or like a troublemaker and he actually works in mental health!

Should I make a formal complaint.?


Ok I know I was wrong to go up and ask to see my key worker but does anyone else think he was wrong in what he said and did.?Health Question & Answer

He was definitely wrong. If he works in the mental health profession he should have more tact and understanding than to talk that way to someone who is clearly distressed. You should definitely bring it up with your keyworker.

In the meantime, force yourself to get out of the house when you're feeling down, just to distract yourself by going down the shops or going to the movies or even ringing a friend to chat about something not related to your feelings. I know it's the hardest thing in the world to do when you're feeling low, but it can often help.Health Question & Answer

. i think you should definatly file a formal complaint. He should know that the people coming there are unstable and being firm is one thing but if you felt he was treating you lesser or like crap you should bring it to the attention of someone higher than him Health Question & Answer

Yes, you should definitely make a formal complaint. What position did the man have in the place.?

Make a note fo the date, time and what he said and who it was.Health Question & Answer

You should complain about that man and you should never appear without an appointment. There are other places designed to help in an emergency.Health Question & Answer

sounds like a complete jack *ss =/ don't worry he will get his.

I would suggest changing doctors / therapist

go to church - try different ones until some one helps you.Health Question & Answer

r u sure he worked there or was he another client.? I'd find out who he was and complain to ur key workerHealth Question & Answer

You must ask YOUR key worker for the name of the chief executive of your local NHS PRIMARY CARE TRUST and of course the address.

Write to this person and tell them of this shameful incident.

Remember to tell him/her if you do not receive a FORMAL APOLOGY you will send a copy to your local MP.

This will result in an enquiry even if the man concerned is employed by Social Services.

Forget the boll^Cs about how to ammend yourlife and turn it around......if you felt well you would do all those things!!!

In the meantime protect your immediate rights and needs and those of fellow sufferers from people who should be working in a bank, prefably a bankrupt one.
Health Question & Answer

These people work ot a timetable and have a slot for you and when that has finished then it is time for the next person etc.

It is not so people friendly as the key worker would say.

I suggest that this person was a person who being a man protected the others.

Now what I feel for you is to write down what is upsetting you, detail the good points and bad. Then have a look and see fi you can help yourself at all. That is hard but you might manage something.

If you do go for it.

You do not say which country you are in but if in UK phone the Samaritans they are good and kind and will listen. BUT remember it is listen.

You do not sound very old, if in the UK I seriously think you should do something like the Duke of Edinburgh's Award to fin the true you.

If not then try a youth club or similar such as a hobby club or group. Then get yourself into some activity else you will sit at home and make yourself worse.

I do feel for you and if you want to email me then do so and do tell me where you are.



Health Question & Answer

Gosh, they certainly don't seem to have any compassion. If they are your primary care giver who else are you to turn to when you are having a personal emergency. I don't know your system, but regardless, their treatment of you was not right.

Here in the US we have several public resources.one of which is for NAMI--National Alliance on Mental Illness--www.nami.org. Ask your people if there are any hot lines or support groups that would be available to you whenever you need to talk to someone right away.

My doctors told me to call 911 or go to the hospital Emergency Room if I ever felt close to the edge. I hope you can hook up with a group that can be there for you. Have you done any searching on the web for mental illness support groups or hot lines. God bless. I would also try to get closer to the Lord. "Lord please help me!" Take a multivitamin, don't skip meals, get outside and get some fresh air and sunshine and don't eat junk food or fast food and drink a lot of water.Health Question & Answer

First off he had no right, he made it his business perhaps for his wayward belief that in one aspect his way of dealing with situations that is if he is some type of therapist is to challenge or object to you. Or he feels he is doing it within the best interest of your Key worker with little to no disreguard to you or any arrangements you have already established.

Secondly, you raised a question of establishing a formal complaint. Now I am not therapist but I have dealt with many of them so let me take on the role of one who reads into your words and expands your thoughts.

Your objecting to something that you do not like, now I am unaware what motivates your depression or makes you suffer. Yet this man you object too correct.? You feel he is wrong, and you want justice as to say make things right. I wonder if it is possible to apply that to the things that burden you.

As for you wanting to see your Key Worker, it is selfish of you because mind you it is their job to help people, but not their life. They do the best they can, to what ever limitations they set or feel the need to have. Your not the only one that needs help, but the fact is you wanted help. It does not mean you deserve to be ignored and I am glad you have from what I am aware of is yahoo answers as a extra outlet. I do wish you have more, and if you take interest in my words I am available to communicate with. If not, that is fine for you need to do what is right for you.

So back to my original standpoint, he was wrong, but he was also unaware. He deserves to have someone talk to him for his approach could seriously have dire consequences. And I honestly will not stand for that. But just remember you raised that question, because you felt you deserved better. I hope you find a way to ask yourself that in the midst of your depression.Health Question & Answer

I think weather or not you should have gone up and asked to see your keyworker is irrelevant. The man you saw shouldnt have spoke over you, its very patronising. He could have took a bit of time to talk to you about your concerns, or if he was too busy told you to wait for a bit until somebody was free to have a brief talk with you.

If you feel you were treated wrongly then you have a right to make a complaint. Sometimes the attitudes of people who actually WORK in the mental health sector make me think there's no hope!Health Question & Answer

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