I get happier, family becomes unhappy - Why is this?!

Question: I get happier, family becomes unhappy - Why is this.?
I am a longtime sufferer of Major Depression, the only one diagnosed in my family. On top of that, I have also been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which apparently includes traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety/Phobia. As you can see, I have my fair share of problems. Despite all this, and with the help of antidepressants, I am seeing an increasing level - though not quickly - in my happiness and my overall outlook on life. With this said, I am finding it strange that my family is becoming less and less happy as I become more happy. During my worst years, my family fought the least; now they fight daily. I am not involved in these fights, simply a bystander.

Is there a connection between my increasing happiness and my family's decreasing happiness.?Health Question & Answer

Interesting observation on your part! I too suffer from serious problems with depression and have for many years, so I get what is going on with you on a couple of levels. To be honest, in a strange way, I believe your illness was a distraction, so to speak, for the rest of your family. It took the focus off of them and their own problems. Now that you are on the upside, they have more time to focus on each other and the outcome is their bickering. I know this sounds odd but my guess is, it's true! I'm glad your doing better though, that's more important. Maybe your at a place now where you can have some input and help some of the others in your family....have a happy and healthy future!Health Question & Answer

Aww don't think that. They would never get unhappier when you got happier. They are your family. When you are unhappy, you can cause more problems emotionally in the family, which would make it stressful for everyone, so your family, as a result, would get unhappier as well. You don't really know why they are getting happy when you are unhappy, it might be for a totally different reason that you think. You are making it hard on yourself. They love you! They are your family, and they will always care for you no matter what, even if it may seem they are not. =]

Oh, and try to be strong! You can do it. =] We all have our share of problems in this world. And if we all try hard enough, we can get through them. Good luck to you though!Health Question & Answer

i might not suffer from depression as heavily as you, also my dad does suffer from depression but father and son ways we dont usually speak to each other about these sort of things and yeah ur right. when i think im happy my parents wud be arguing and i would just back to my normal depressed self.

just odnt know what to do with life anymoreHealth Question & Answer


I'm sorry that your suffering from these problems. But I don't think those have any link from what you said. Maybe just wrong time wrong place.? Good luck! Health Question & Answer

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