Diagnosis? Somebody help?!

Question: Diagnosis.? Somebody help.?
My friend has extreme stomach pains "only when she is in school." She's a swimmer and today after a tough practice she threw up. She eats well for the most part (the occasional pb&j dinner when there is not enough time) and says that her stomach feels completely fine when she is at home, it only hurts when she is in school, particularly in the pool area. She has a lot of responsibility, she's in a rigorous program at our school of which she is Valedictorian, is the captain of the swim team, and is the editor of the yearbook. However, this is NOT more stress than she had last year, when she was a junior and had even more **** to do and she was fine then, so PLEASE for the love of God don't just say it's just stress and think you're helping, cause that's what I initially thought it was and it's obviously not. also, NO she's obviously not allergic to anything in the pool area seeing as she's been on the swim team for the past 4 years and has been fine every other time, she's a life guard. Thanks so much for reading, I am extremely worried about my friend could somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with her.?.? Her family is very poor and she only lives with her mother, she refuses to tell her mother because they can't afford a doctor that she "doesn't really need."Health Question & Answer

There is a good chance it could be anxiety that manifests itself in abdominal pain. To see if this is anxiety, she should go to a doctor and get some benzos, like ativan or xanax, and she should take one about an hour before she has to go to school.

Either way, she should really see a doctor to rule out any problems. I hope she gets well soon!Health Question & Answer

this isnt the answer u want but its anxiety from pressure her brain stimulates when shes at school. she gets pysched out with the pressure of school and swimming. i know this personally. Health Question & Answer

Well she herself could be allergic to something new that they could have recently did in the school. But that wouldn't usually cause stomach pains. Does she have any type of breathing problems when she enters the school.? I am very sorry to hear about this issue your friend is having. I am also very sorry to hear that her family is poor and can't afford to go to the doctor. Please send me an e-mail so that I can help you further. I would like to help you and your friend as much as possible. Please contact me for further assistance.Health Question & Answer

it could be anything - a doctor needs to go in there possibly with a stethoscope and examine it it could be tumor or cancer

it could be something less deadly - if caught in time like appendicitis

Really she needs to try to get to a doctor - get her to call up the DHS and see what they can do - by the way how old is she in MOST states that I know of you can get her on decent plans if she is under 19 years of age.

Whatever state she is living in she needs to try to get help - call up the department of human services they should know some way of her getting help.

a key tip I am going to give you is before you go any where (meaning doctor appointments) call the doctor up and ask them how much it's going to cost.

I just got a blood test done to try to find out if I have diabetes (I know i have it because I could write a damn book about what's happened to me)

any who it was 750 BUCKS just to do the damn blood test - if I could go back in time I would have asked the lady at the blood lab before she jabbed me with her retarded needles =)Health Question & Answer

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