Why do I keep thinking about death when I don't want to die?!

Question: Why do I keep thinking about death when I don't want to die.?
I cant stop thinking about death and I really don't want to die. It started last year when I was 22 and I stopped thinking about it for awhile but now it started again. It really scares me to think that you can go at anytime. I'm not suicidal at all. Is this a phase like everyone keeps telling me or is there something really wrong with me.? How can I stop thinking about death so much.? Please help me.Health Question & Answer

I am 32 and I have the same problem, I even worry what will happen to my children and things like that. It is a huge problem. The only thing that makes me feel better is my belief in God and praying or singing a song when I start obsessing. I feel sure everyone thinks about this from time to time but when someone thinks about it all the time like me and you it becomes a huge burden. You are not alone and I will pray for you and your thoughts as well as my own.
God BlessHealth Question & Answer

It happens to a lot of people, me included since i had 3 close calls late last year, I see death everywhere!

It's pretty much normal: the realization of the end surfaces every now and then from the subconscious to scare the heebie-jeebies out of us. It's not prophetic doesn't mean anything. Other than live life to the fullest.

How to stop.? Personally I'm researching the movement called "The Immrotalists" who claim you can live forever if you can deprogram the subconscious mind from teh belief in death. I find it interesting. Pioneered by Leonard Orr in the 70's, attached to the "Rebirthing" movement.

If that doesn't cut it for you, you need to trade that thought for something else. Anything that you're passionate about (Horticulture, 17th century architecture, etc) become obssessed by your healthy passion for a while, until you stop obsessive over death.

The thought will resurface maybe in a few months like Old Faithful but hopefully in 79 years, like Halley's comet.

Focus on the good and beauty of living. What you focus on you attract. The way to stop an obsessive thought it not to try to force it out but to give the mind something else to occupy itself with.

Good luck to you, Hon! xxoo'sHealth Question & Answer

I have the same problem. It started when i was about 8 and i had it pretty bad for a few years in my childhood. I was obsessed with it and used to cry myself to sleep at night because i was so scared of me or someone in my family dying.

Since then it comes and goes, and for the last few months ive had it REALLY bad. Im 25 now by the way. Im so scared someone close to me is going to die and i think about it so much. i just want it to stop. I worry about me dying too and am even too scared to drive now... i want to make it stop but dont know what to do.. i guess i will try to think of other things to occupy my mind with. I really do want to enjoy life and see the beauty in everything, but i feel such a sadness that one day it will all be over, and could all be over any minute.Health Question & Answer

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