Why does she get into these moods?!

Question: Why does she get into these moods.?
my sister get into these moods. like she'll be nice to me for a few days then outta the blue she'll act like a bi*ch to me. i don't get it. she's 20. she goes to school and has a job.

help me understand why she does this.Health Question & Answer

It could be a disorder, it could just be stress. It is hard to know for sure. I would just be sensitive to her, and try to think about it like it has nothing to do with you personally, and try not to let it bother you. Think about it like she must be having a really hard day to not be able to handle it very well. Tell her that you are there if she needs to talk, and that if she just needs some space to just let you know. She might just need to vent for a while. If that is the case, and she does talk to you, don't worry about trying to find a solution, just listen and be there for her. I am sure she will appreciate it.

20 is a really hard age because people still don't take you seriously, but at the same time you are not a kid anymore and not quite an adult either. It is a very hard in between time. It comes with a load of stress especially if you are in school and have a boyfriend.

I am 27 and still don't have it all figured out, but it wasn't that long ago that I have forgotten what it was like completely. I really hope that helps. Just try not to take it personally. Health Question & Answer

stress and depression.. sad about something...angry about things... feel forgotten.. not loved by anyone... lonely Health Question & Answer

prlly bipolarHealth Question & Answer

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