I am angry. What is the best way to vent my frustration?!

Question: I am angry. What is the best way to vent my frustration.?
I have so much built up anger and frustration I don't know what to do with it all. I need a place that I can vent my frustration in a healthy way, but I don't know where to turn. Any advice would be much appreciated.Health Question & Answer

A healthy mix of umbrage.org , and circleversussquare.com .Health Question & Answer

If you're looking for a physical outlet, you should try some form of activity, if your inner anger is extremely strong, you might not want a contact sport, such as kick boxing, but rather, a solitary thing, maybe weight lifting, or track, diving, swimming, get yourself a punching bag for your garage/back yard, and beat the everliving crap out of it.

If you're looking for something more emotional of an outlet, you could try some kind of anger management therapy, or your own personal writing, art, drawing painting, usually painting can be a good way to get intense emotions out, as you can use the colors you associate with emotion freely without restriction.

Try to give yourself time for reflection and release on a daily basis, because the more often you allow yourself to let go of anger, the less it will build up on you. Work on how you take in events, try to cope with things without using anger as a primary emotion to relate things to. If small things make you angry, like being cut off in traffic, just try to breath a little, and remember, everyone else has things going through their head too, and they all deserve the leniency in their lives that you would want in yours.

Good luck, And God bless and keep you.Health Question & Answer

Sit on the side of the road (no not in the middle of the road) witth a plastic bag of scrap paper. Take the bits of paper out one by one everytime a car goes past tear the paper in have. Soon youll have a bag ful of ripped up paper and on your way home swing the bag really hard (dnt hurt anyone) back and forth. Trust me it feels good =]Health Question & Answer

sometimes a good scream or cry really feels good!

taking a nap relieves a lot of frustration too...

writting in your journal or blogging your feelings.... (no one has to read.)

or venting to a friend who doesnt mind listening...

prayer also helps...

but whatever you decide to do... make sure it is a healthy way to release your stress.

feel better. :)Health Question & Answer

the safest and healthiest way of venting anger and frustration (in my opinion) is to write about it. this will help you to know the causes. you may even find your own solution. Keep a diary, fill it up with all your frustrations. When its over, destroy it. You'll feel much better.Health Question & Answer

I write poetry.

Really, really, really scary poetry about killing people.

But it helps.Health Question & Answer

take a nap.Health Question & Answer

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