What is this?! : ( please help. ?!

Question: What is this.?! : ( please help. .?
I've been suffering from depersonalization for about 7 to 8 months..the last month has been servere. My memory is shot, i don't feel real, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Familiar places seem unfamiliar to me, I am completely disconnected and detatched from everything and everybody. I feel dead. The only reason I know I'm living is because I'm breathing and I can feel my pulse. I have no thoughts whatsoever, I am blank.

About a month ago I was talking, and for no reason at all..I started to feel weird. Almost like I didn't know how to talk. I freaked out, and I started to think about everything -how we talk, how we walk, how we do everything. Now, I feel like I don't understand anything at all - words don't make sense to me. I have no idea how i'm getting up, going to work, and driving. I feel like I'm literally going mentally retarded. Like how we do we know no means no.? and yes means yes.? I know we just know, but does anybody ever think that.? I'm usually very talkative, but now I'm just quiet because even be able to talk, freaks me out. Whats wrong with me.? : ( It's like i dont know how to pronounce words, i dont get it, but i'm doing it anyways...how do we know how to sing.? how do we do this stuff.? does anyone, anybody ever think these things.?.? someone please tell me theyve been through this, im really scared.

By the way, I have been going to therapy for a month, hasn't done ****, I'm pretty sure it's made it worse. I think I need to switch therapists. I'm getting a physical next week and a blood test just to see if anything's physically wrong with me. I don't ever get headaches [knock on wood] and i don't feel ill at all. Sometimes i panic so much, I make myself sick, but that's about it.

Does anybody know what i'm talking about.? Can anybody relate.? I feel so alone, I feel like this is hell and no matter what i do, I can't escape this black hole I'm in every single day.Health Question & Answer

You definitely should change therapists, as that is a very important component of moving forward with your disorder.

also, for the medical doctors, they need to be checking on things like MS, ALS, lyme disease, and also review your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and the antibiotic minocycline.

Your therapist and mental health staff need to review your panic attacks and anxiety, sleep quality, and look at your stress levels and how to control them.

also, have them run some tests regarding hallucinations, depression, and possibly even borderline personality disorder.

Until you jump through ALL of these hoops, the best treatment plan can't be drawn up, because they must narrow down the cause of your depersonalization disorder. Once the underlying cause is identified, they can fine-tune your treatment to YOU.

In the mean time, I suggest journaling your experience! Put up signs (post-it notes) around your house reminding you what is real, along with positive statements. When I had trouble differentiating between dreams and reality, THIS simple task helped dramatically.

I wish you good luck in your search for wellness!! Take Care!!!!!Health Question & Answer

you need to talk to a therapist. switch to one that can help you. theres nothing we can do. you need help that a professional can give. but youre not alone. there are other people like you and the therapist can help you with that. there may be group therapy sessions you could attendHealth Question & Answer

I sometimes feel this way, but never this severe.
Try going to work out or something, it always relieves my stress. Maybe plan a giant fun night with a bunch of girlfriends. Maybe you need a vacation!
I hope you feel better :) Health Question & Answer

you need a prof to talk to! trust me ive done that at school it helpss a lot!!
answer mine please .?qid=20081011155000AATeKWP">http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index.?...Health Question & Answer

you know im hear and care so i can helpHealth Question & Answer

i'm sorry, ive never actually gone through something like this, but i'll try to help out the best i can:

have you been really scared about something specific for a really long time.?.? if so, you definitely need to let it all out, tell a family member (or somebody else you really trust and love & who really cares about you) EVERYTHING that's on our mind & it will feel so much better; i know whenever i'm really scared of something i feel SO MUCH better after telling my mom & having her comfort me.

i think about stuff like that a lot actually: WHY something means something, etc; a lot of stuff we do is actually just something we've all agreed on: like for example "yes" means "yes" because the first people that spoke English decided that this combination of sounds would have this specific meaning. etc. so don't feel scared because you're thinking about stuff like that, i'm sure lots of other people question things like this all the time

it really seems to me like whatever's going on with you might be an indication of some medical problem, so the physical you're going to should really help to clear things up.

do you maybe have depression--you say like you feel like you're stuck in a black hole/ hell, so that makes me think of how i've heard depresson described. if it is depression--don't be scared--it is a totally treatable problem that you just need to be taking some medicine for

good luck & just remember: this too shall pass. going to the doctor's should really help you get better & soon you will be healthy and feeling good again!!

dont lose hope!!!!! =) && get better soon!

Health Question & Answer

Oh my god! I know just how you feel cause I feel the same way now for months.I don't get it either. It feels like I'm not real and it freaks me out. I went to a therapist once for this and he called it depersonilization disorder. It is a form of anxiety and stress which I have been going through for 3 years. I have had a lot of personal changes in the past few years so it might just be that. I try not to think about it but it's so hard to do. Have you had a major life change that you can't handle it might just be that I hope. Good luck and by the way there is a movie out called Numb with Matthew Perry and it is exactly what we are going through. Rent it and you'll see. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

The only way we know anything is, is that God made things the way they are. If God did not determine it, then it is not determined---or, at least, the determination has no weight. God is a vital part in understanding reality. Recognize a REAL God, that REALLY exists as a real and separate entity. From there you may find that the Great Physician can give you therapy better than anyone of lesser understanding.

I hope this helps. In the past, I have often felt as you have, but God somehow helped me realize He was real. God can and will help you if you let Him.Health Question & Answer

you hve asked the same question over and over again..it feels good doesn't it.? but ya know what ppl here also hve mental probs so if u asked them they will really not know the answer, some might even mke you worse.. nother is dt few experience dt.. but anyway, dis s a good site ive found about dep. anxietynomore.co.uk... hope it'll help you.Health Question & Answer

I watch a lot of Law and Order: SVU, and I never thought it would come in handy before, but when I read your post, I had to respond. There is a mental condition where you do forget who you are and you do things you normally wouldn't do, but it can only be treated with medicine in a psych ward. If it is as severe as I read, which I am sure is, then I would invest in going to a mental institution; you can voluntarily admit yourself.Health Question & Answer

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