How would you help someone let out all of their emotional pain in their lives?!

Question: How would you help someone let out all of their emotional pain in their lives.?
I'm sorry about the length. I just didn't want to be too general.

Some people tell me that they can tell that I've had a bad past just from my visage. I look mad all the time and some people tell me that it's because my dad left me and my family when I was younger and I wasn't able to do many things because of it. To be honest, that really is true since I never learned how to fight, I was bullied and still am a little bit in school, and I was lacking in confidence which makes me upset because of it. I know that I'm still affected by it and I'll never be as happy as I could of been, but I believe I'm doing fine now. I'm asking this question because I pondered about everyone I know who's had a bad past or a recent event happen to them and I think it's sad that this happens. A couple of my friends don't care about school and don't care about really anything and some have sex to try and forget about the pain. I know that I shouldn't just go up to them and say, " Did something happen to you that made you like this.?" because that would be rude and idiotic. Should I become close to them and then try to bring up something that would bring their past up to try and help them let go.? A girl that I like (and she may like me too) told me about her past and I just want to know if there's any way I can help her and her family since I'm friends with her brother also. I tried to get closer to her, but somedays it seems like she's not interested in me and some days it seems like she is. How can I help other people I know as well.?Health Question & Answer

If it is a self generated emotion, then it is for the individual to control and discipline. If the emotion is inflicted, we have to treat it with heart to heart exchange.

Help should not be generously rendered. Only if somebody asks, help should be given. Otherwise it will be mistaken and intention and motive may be doubted.Health Question & Answer

my mom used to really upset me cause i was too senstive for her. Like she tells me when i see her oh i let the dogs on the verandah and then they all ran on the road. she will pay for any vet bills. church may help u a pentecostal one.Health Question & Answer

Just being there, listening and being a friend are invaluable gifts to people.

Hurting people should not be pushed too far too fast also, to be vulnerable to you. And for heavens sake don't let a girl fall into bed with you just becuase she is hurting or needs love. It may seem loving but is the worst thing you could do and in the long run will leave her much more damaged than she is now.Health Question & Answer

you can't blame your past on what you are doing with your life right now!
trust me!
I will not go into what has happened in my past.

too long too bad.

what you have to do is get on with your life and
see what you really want do do with it.
it has nothing to do with what happend in the past.
it all has to do with what you want to do with your future.
rettaHealth Question & Answer

establish trust, and make sure they can trust you not to tell anyone
dont be judgmental-this is really important
dont interrupt

i know i wouldnt tell anyone anything about my past, im constantly laughed, so i just dropped the idea of telling anyone, no one understands anything and why it would have such an effect on meHealth Question & Answer

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