Am i going senile or is it nerves?!

Question: Am i going senile or is it nerves.?
I am chatting away to someone when they suddenly say but you said this or that and i honestly don't remember saying like a name one instance today i was on the phone asking how my brother was and the nurse said i had told her my sisters name why would i do that.?.? also my daughter has said but you said this mum and i feel like its all getting to much for me as i don't rember i know you might not think its anything to write about but it is happening so much lateley that i am getting worriedHealth Question & Answer

You haven't given any clue as to your age, so i'll just give you a scenario, that my family went though.
My parents had spent a lot of time with many friends they had for over 30 yrs, all were couples. Many when in their mid fifties and early sixty, one or the other of the partners had started suffering from Alzheimer's. My parents still kept company with them until the end, so we know very well the different effects and how some can succome so much faster than others.
After the 5th friends death, my parents were in their very early 60's.
And my mother started acting incredibly forgetful and strange, we were all very scared. One day the timer on her oven went off, an oven she had owned for 15yrs, she picked up the phone saying hello, with no one there, she hung up and became very confused, not knowing what the sound was, she headed for the door, i was shocked and asked what she was doing, she said it must be the door bell, when i told her it was her oven times, she became extremely upset. These changes came on very fast and often. It only lasted about a week and a half, then my dad took her into the doctor, who immediately had her tested.
It turned out, it was mind over matter, my mother had seen to much of it and had been over stressed, not dealing with her grief and in her fear of alzheimer's, she had actually started mimicing the behaviors.
My dad was told to take her away, anywhere for a vacation, which he did, i got a free trip out of that one. But after 2 wks it had subsided greatly, in a month it was gone.
This is apparently not at all rare, if stress can cause heart attacks and kill, then i am more than sure they can eat away at the subconscious.
Get yourself a medical check up and discuss this with your doctor, to make sure nothing more is at work here, even if you are younger, stress doesn't differenciate, so you could need a vaction yourself.
You may be much like myself and not feel stress until it affects your daily living. You did say, your brother was in hospital and that can be stressful.
At least a check up will relieve that issue for you.Health Question & Answer

It is called stress. If you have too much on your plate, forgetfulness can occur. That is, your mind is thinking to too much too often and you cannot concentrate on only one thing.
You need to start taking things off of that plate and put them in the trash. Don't worry about what you cannot solve, don't give yourself too much to do in a day. Handle on task at a time and finish it before you take on another. When you are talking with someone, make an all out effort to listen to that one person only. Put them in line so to speak according to priority.
If you feel that something else may be going on, contact your doctor.Health Question & Answer

I dont think your going senile. As you tend to age you become more forgetful but don't worry it will be okay. My mom forgets stuff too sometimes. You aren't going crazy at all :) ( could be stress as well, over excessive thinking-try not too think so much, or not getting enough sleep) Excerise and diet may help, eat healthy foods and be active, take walks, baths can help too. Thats what I do when i feel stressed/angry/hurt. Try it okay.? Good luckHealth Question & Answer

Please tell your daughter, I hope you have a close relationship with her. I think these things happen with age and it 'having a bad day' with this sort of thing is when we're perhaps tired, stressed... it's nothing to be ashamed of. You're a good person, yes.? I wish you many happier days to come and sometimes I suppose, life can take us into places we'd rather not be in. One always moves on and you will, once you've had some rest and the loving support of your daughter and/or your best friend(s). Much well wishing from me!

Nick.Health Question & Answer

Everybody loses some memory as they age. You could just be stressed or not really concentrating because your mind is somewhere else. Try to keep your mind sharp. Do word puzzles , crosswords , read and any other mental activities to keep those neurons in your brain fired up. My mom died of Alzheimer's but she started doing puzzles and it kept her mind sharper longer.........................KBHealth Question & Answer

Could be stress, or perhaps you're not getting enough sleep and you're a bit run-down (this sort of thing happens to me if I haven't had a decent nights sleep for a while).

If it carries on, gets worse, or is accompanied by other symptoms, see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

if you are at all concerned go and see your family doctor. it might be nothing at all, but at least if you go to your doctor, it will put your mind at ease.

otherwise you will just worry about it even more and that's no way to live!Health Question & Answer

i think you have a lot going on in your head... try to relax. take some me time and i bet that will subside. if not go to a drHealth Question & Answer

Yep,it happens to me. It might be age.Health Question & Answer

I doubt its age. I get this all the time and I'm only 17!! =)Health Question & Answer

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