My mom is ashamed of me...?!

Question: My mom is ashamed of me....?
Okay, my mom and step dad, think i'm a dirty whore, and are ashamed of me, just because i'm sexuality active with my boyfriend. I'm 14, and i know i'm a little young, but its my decision. Is it really my fault, should she really be mad at me. I don't regret it, and i'm happy. I mean, i know all guys want is SEX, and they he may not really like me. But this is what i want. What could i possibly tell my mom, to make her not be disgusted of me & think im a whore.Health Question & Answer

It is hard being young but wanting to make these decisions for yourself. I was 14 when I started having sex. I am 27 now. I married a virgin. I now regret not waiting for him. I wish that I had had more foresight about it. It is not just about today or tomorrow. It is about the rest of your life and the person you will be with in the future. Condoms don't always work, pills don't always work either. Are you really and truely ready to take care of a little person if something goes wrong.? Are you prepared to have someone need you so much that you have to put your whole life on hold.?

I was 25 when I had my first child. I got pregnant on my honeymoon. We never got a chance to really be husband and wife before being parents. I wish I had been able to wait a while longer. However, we got swept up in the moment and that is what happened. A year after I had my first son, I got pregnant again. I wasn't trying and was on the pill. I found out when I got sick and went to the ER. Some other vitamins I took made the Pill not be effective. Now I have two great kids who are 2 and 4. They are a handful even for me. I have a husband, and I am a stay at home mom. And it is still hard for me.

Make sure you are prepared for the consequences before you decide to have sex. Get a nanny job or a mothers helper for a mom of a new born baby. It is not all fun and happy. It is late nights with no sleep. Feeding them every 2-4 hours for a YEAR! I nursed both my kids for at least a year because it is cheaper, easier in some ways, and better for my kids. It was hard, but you can't rely on you mother to help you if you have a baby. My kids had different problems at different times and sometimes I had to spend hours listening to them cry while trying to rock them to sleep. I was exhausted for 3 years solid.

Having kids can be wonderful, but realize that it is not always happy and fun. It is messy, loud, scary when your older son pushes the younger down the stairs or when they run into a wall or run after a ball into traffic, painful, wonderful, sad, stressful like you can't believe, expensive, time consuming, and heart breaking when your toddler tells you he hates you. No matter how many classes you take or how many books you read, each child is different and special, but not every book or class is going to tell you exactly what to do.

So think first about what you could get out if it for the rest of your life, and not about your independence because the one thing that makes you independent could make you lose your freedom forever. I am sure that is what your parents are ultimately thinking about. Even though I had sex at 14 I was lucky and I would not want my kids to make that same mistake. There were people I were good friends with who got pregnant at 14, 15, 16. Their lives were over. No parties, no football games, no boyfriends because they had a child now, no friends because the baby cried all the time. So think about it. And abortion is not always an answer, and the rescue pill does not always work. You might not even know something happened until it is too late.

I hope that helps. Health Question & Answer

Put yourself in her shoes. When you are older and have children of your own (hopefully a long time from now), would you want them sexually active at 14 yrs old.? Don't just say what you want to believe, really consider it. Consider the risks. She just wants to protect you.

And it may be your decision, but you are still a minor and under her roof. It could be a 9 yr old's decision to, that doesn't mean the mother should be accepting of it.Health Question & Answer

Well hun, I'm really sorry that that your parents have said hurtful things to you. No matter what you do in life, just know you're not dirty or a bad person. Sometimes when parents are worried or care about you, they let it out the wrong way. If you want me to be honest, I think you are much to young to be having sex. & can you honestly & truly say that you are happy.? No girl wants to feel used, like all they are is a piece of *** to a guy. You're worth much more than that. & that's what you're parents should be telling you. You're better than that. Not all guys are pigs. If you had the choice between being used by guys, maybe ending up as a single mom, & just having sex to please others... or having sex with someone you truly love & who loves you... what would you really choose.? There's a good guy out there. You're young... enjoy your youth & wait for the right guy.Health Question & Answer

ummm you're not a little young you are a lot young ahahah but ya it is your decision and you might not regret it now but i'm pretty sure you're gonna regret it when you are older but just tell your mom to let you make your own mistakes in life and your not doing drugs or anything or putting yourself in danger (besides getting pregnant) but yaHealth Question & Answer

alright you know what it is your life okay just remember everything can be justified in some way

just tell your mom look it is my decision im doing it safely and responsibly
so you need to stop judging me

note if you are having allot of sex with one person then its fine but you really shouldn't be having sex with a bunch of different people Health Question & Answer

she should be mad you are only 14 but she should not be ashamed 14 is too young for sex Health Question & Answer

Just tell her what u feel and that u r doing it responsably that ur taking precautions like using condoms and stuff.Health Question & Answer

try not to have mutiple partners. and did your mom wait.?Health Question & Answer

first understand this hun - not all men are about sex - however it is in their biological network to propagate which is all sex is about if you think about it enough.

You need to love him - do you realize how hard it is to take care of a child.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? try adopting and then see if your ready - try adopting 5 kids - I'm not saying rush to it maybe try baby sitting first - then if you can afford to do it some one at the dcy what ya macall it office will decide (if you have enough money to even raise a child that is)

you sound very naive -there are a lot of men who crave s*x yes but there are also a lot of men who don't jump out there to have babies - and realize what love is.

You have a long way to mature my dear.

there are plenty of women I don't even know but I know they are suffering ! I will say anonymous person (relative) had gotten with some one and now totally regrets it guess what they do night and day now that they have a child.?

argue - and they have beaten the hell out of each other -

there is another person living around here (I wont give their name out for privacy reasons and I don't want to make them look bad) the wife left because she was making more money than him - well why even have children.?

truly hopefully this tragedy I have shown you wakes you up girl get a head on those shoulders; your common sense is seemingly lacking =/!

I've heard of people who were together for years and years (7-8 - 15 - 20 - 30 yet they cheated or divorced)Health Question & Answer

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