How can I fully become confident with my looks? I need someone who is understanding to answer this please.?!

Question: How can I fully become confident with my looks.? I need someone who is understanding to answer this please..?
I've been trying to work on my self confidence and sometimes I feel like I'm a decent/beautiful looking person. Other times I feel ugly. Sometimes the things people say about my appearance bring me down. I know there are people who think I am pretty though.Health Question & Answer

You said it yourself... self-confidence - that's all it really comes down to. I have been working on the same thing myself and feel exactly the way you feel. keep in mind that everyone has their good days and their bad days..and that everyone is their own worst critic. truth is..on those days you feel don't look as bad as you think you do. you just gotta remember that. There are those people out there who say things about other people's appearances and it's hard not to take it to heart but remember that for every bad thing they say about you you could probably say something bad about them - but you don't (i'm assuming) because you're not shallow like them and have better things to do with your life than to comment on how someone looks.

in my opinion there are no ugly people..only shallow people.

keep working on your self-confidence, don't give in to petty remarks

hope this helps :)Health Question & Answer

You can't. You cannot, I repeat, cannot, become completely satisfied with your looks. No one is. And whoever tells you that is a liar.

Stop putting so much emphasis on looks and weight and what brands of clothes you wear. It's so unimportant. When you dead and gone, will people remember you for your looks.? Maybe. But, if they're smart, they'll value you for your accomplishments not for your rosy cheeks or dimples or blue eyes.

Intelligence is-or should be-what matters. When gravity takes its toll (and it will) plastic surgery can only do so much. Depend on your mind. By the times that starts to go, we'll all be too senile to care what you look like.Health Question & Answer

I don't even know what you look like and you seem like a pretty cool person I would like to take out on a date.

So c'mon and shine with me like the beautiful star you are!

Looks fade but being nice lasts a life-time.

Most girls in Hollywood wear tons of make-up and won't be seen with out it on their face...losers!

Health Question & Answer

If you get connected with God our Maker, you won't be so concerned about looks. Most of us do not completely satisfied with our physical features, but we all have to know that God loves us all.

God loves you, and you are precious to Him. The Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation, and qualifying us to Heaven. Just come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith and you will be saved for eternity. Heaven is wonderful beyond description and forever without end. Never miss Heaven for anything of this troubled world. Life on earth is short and uncertain. Get right with God before it is too late. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven! ( Question & Answer

I know I'm beautiful and listening to this songs makes me even more confident, and elated. .?v=aL7BbRkrZeI&feature=related" rel="nofollow">
Long live Lord Jesus!Health Question & Answer

dont listen to those fags who say that your ugly. Health Question & Answer

you sound like a great person. thats what counts your inter beauty. not your looks or size i feel ugly look at my pic but im a good person inside so that what countsHealth Question & Answer

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