Why do some people feel the need to argue about EVERYTHING?!

Question: Why do some people feel the need to argue about EVERYTHING.?
Bush. Obama. McCain. NASCAR. Shoes. Who unloads the dishwasher this week. A box of paperclips.

Why must ALL things be the source of such loud, violent arguments for some people.? Why is it so difficult for them to just have a rational, calm approach to things.? Are they insecure, and feel that the more strident they are, the stronger and more important they appear.? Health Question & Answer

People who are insecure with themselves will find fault and argument in everything else. It's their way of finding self importance.Health Question & Answer

I think it's because we, as humans, actually want to have conflict in our lives. I know that, while I don't enjoy arguing in itself, I absolutely love debating a point. In fact, I often have a habit of playing devil's advocate, just to make a debate more interesting.

I don't know why it goes to such great lengths, but frankly, I'm sure everyone has a different reason. Mine just happens to be enjoyment.Health Question & Answer

Good question man i see it in my dads side of the family and i dont understand it but i do know theres many answers for it.
Some people debate for the fun of it, others because of their passion have to prove their point to people and while others talk to make themselves feel good and think their smart. Theres many reasons but the main one is a PRIDE issue and they just want to argue.

Believe it or not i witnessed a debate for 3 hours and it was clearly becoming a bit to tense just hearing the two then after the debate was over we walked to our cars and the guy tells me i knew he was right i just wanted to debate and see his opinion on things, i didnt know how to react to that but i was pissed all that time that guy really didnt know jack sh!t lol.
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it's just a show-off of wits & talents on how great you can handle debating.
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everyone wants to feel important all of the time we also think that is the way to solve problemsHealth Question & Answer

they think they know it all and they have all the answersHealth Question & Answer

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