What can I do to stop worrying about what others think of me?!

Question: What can I do to stop worrying about what others think of me.?
So I know from time to time everyone gets upset over comments about them, but anything that's said about me I get upset over it and am down in the dumps for a while and I've been that way since I was a child. What can I do to get over this.? I fear if I don't, life will be miserable. Does anybody have any tips on how I can just ignore what others say and love me for me.?Health Question & Answer

The first thing you need to acknowledge is that you have the right to feel the way you do. You have feelings and you hurt when others say negative things about you. Now that you realize that you're human and you react the way you do, you need to change a few things. 1) Either believe what others say about you or you don't. 2) If you don't want others to say negative things about you, list things that YOU desire people to say about you (smart, athletic, intelligent, funny, loving, gentle, etc) 3) Make a list of 25 things that are great about yourself.
4) make a list of 2 things you'd like to work on. 5) Once you have reached a goal, make yourself some wonderful rewards (I was forgiving today so I'm going to buy myself a hot chocolate for myself, or today, I strived really hard at smiling at everyone I met so I'm going to enjoy at night with my pet turtle, etc). The more you give the more you get. The more you put out positive energies (things you LOVE), the more lovely things you'll get in return. It's the laws of the Universe and it is always working.
You worry about YOU for a change. You're the one that matters. This is YOUR life story....not anybody elses. Therefore, you worry about you, your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs and let the rest take care of itself. It's really amazing what will happen to you once you change your way of thinking.Health Question & Answer

We all have to remember that nobody is perfect. Negative things are said about people all the time (unfortunately), and it is a coping mechanism for some. If I hear that someone has said something negative about me, I believe that it was said either (a) because it is true or partly true, (b) the person who said it has their own self-esteem issues, or (c) the person who said just likes to gossip.

In the case of (a), we all have our areas of imperfection, but we should always accept who we are. I don't worry in the case of (b), because others often see through this anyway. In the case of (c), it's hard to deal with gossip, because the damage has often been done by the time it gets back to you. If you know in your heart that you do your best to be a good person, that trumps any petty little thing that someone says is wrong with you.

The bottom line is that if you can resolve to be comfortable with who you are, the worrying about what other people think will dissipate.Health Question & Answer

Yes I know how to deal with it because I've been through it myself. The reason why you worry about what others think of you is that you're worried about how you will FEEL if others reject you or dislike you. Whenever we are afraid of anything it is because we are afraid of how it will make us FEEL if things go wrong with it. So the key to overcoming this is to change your attitude toward being rejected or disliked by others. Say to yourself "No matter what people think of me, I will be happy." And back it up. If someone mistreats you, say to yourself "I'm still happy." If you approach life with the attitude that you'll be happy no matter what happens, you'll literally have nothing to be afraid about. Its all about attitude. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.Health Question & Answer

You have obviously had a fear of this since childhood for a reason. Perhaps you developed a fear for worrying about what others think of you because you were taught to. How else would a child know.?

As it is, you are now an adult and don't need to be afraid anymore. You need to love more, as the true opposite of fear is love. I have a great idea for you. I don't know if you'll accept it or not, but it worked for me.

Ask around your neighbourhood, town, city, county, etc if there are any volunteer shelters operating which need new volunteers. This is a great way to forget about your own troubles, worries, concerns, as you would be helping other people who are in far greater need than yourself. And the best part is, when you give of yourself to help others just because you want to, the reward is so great you won't believe it! Do you ever remember watching the original cartoon story of the 'Grinch Who Stole Christmas'.? Remember when the grinch changed from his old 'self' into his new self.?

"His heart... they say... grew three sizes that day".

That's the feeling you get when you volunteer. I bet you've already forgotten your problem... haven't you.?Health Question & Answer

Well you should stop taking in the things people say about you, i know its easier said then done, but you have to practice that or it will be harder for you in the long run. No one is perfect especially the one thats saying things to you. People that say things to someone on purpose just to make them miserable are usually the one that has the lowest self esteem and is jealous of you. So, cheer up, and just laugh it off.Health Question & Answer

its really hard to get over something like that especially what your going through well all you have to do is find it within yourself to do so because its not going to matter what others think about you in the future nor should it matter now, but a tip is just to be yourselfHealth Question & Answer

for every negative comment you hear about yourself...give yourself a positive.
Learn to have the power to know what is true about you. No one knows you better than you.Health Question & Answer

Everyone has something bad that can be said about them, just try not to entertain those negative thoughts.Health Question & Answer

Remind yourself that they are just people too who make mistakes. They're not any better than you. Health Question & Answer

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