A guy in my class has Aspergers and i am the only one that knows He is always getting picked on, what do i do?!

Question: A guy in my class has Aspergers and i am the only one that knows He is always getting picked on, what do i do.?
I am the only one that knows because he threatened to stab me in school and the principals told me. I am not allowed to tell other kids or teachers, he really gets picked on, and i have a feeling it could lead to violence and i would be the one to look back at. I feel like a useless bystander! PLEASE help me i am still a kid!Health Question & Answer

Hi there! I have a son with Aspergers. He's 12. His older brother is almost 14, so I think I have an idea of what you are going through...!

I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but show the kid some interest in front of other people. This doesn't mean inviting him to eat lunch with the gang, it means chatting in the hall for a minute when you know bullies are watching. Smile and pat him on the shoulder before you walk away.

I imagine you're thinking ''Yeah, and then I catch it from the other guys!'' Well, yeah. But only until you say something like, ''hey... say what you want, but that guy is smart! did you know that he can...?'' or ''Yeah, I know that he's quirky, but he knows it, too and I think he's funny." If you respond in confidence like hey, it's no big deal, he's fine, then the other guys will wonder if THEY were wrong. The trick here is not to get defensive about you talking to the guy. If you say ''Hey, I can talk to who I want to! You can't tell me who my friends are!" then you will never live it down. But ''Hey, man! I think he's pretty cool! Hey, what did you think of that film in science.?" and they have no reason to come back at you.

What might happen is that the other guys ask you questions about the kid. Be honest, and be upbeat. If you look like you feel bad for talking to him, or like you think you have to, then they will smell it. ''Listen, sometimes he talks too much, but when you stop to listen to what he says, you can tell he's really smart. Hey, all I know is that if I knew that there was a young Bill Gates at our school, I'll bet he'd be like this guy. I don;t know about you, but I wouldn't mind being friends with a guy like that. Bill Gates is a geek, but geeks are pretty friggin cool.''

My older son is now in 8th grade and is very popular. When he was at his last school he and his brother would go a lot of places together and this is the way he would handle it. Of course, he'd also say he had Aspergers, but that my son, who was cool, stood up for the geeky kid... It made the other kids think "Oh... I guess he's ok after all.''

I hope this helps you a little. If you want to see a video with my sons together, here you are! (The eHow site is working on their video stuff, so if it doesn't work, try it again soon! :)


-Lorin NeikirkHealth Question & Answer

I can relate to that kid. I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome as well. School was a living hell for me. I was always targeted by everyone and bullied because I was significantly different from everyone else. I suggest you should make friends with him. Chances are, he may have very few friends or he may not have any at all, as this is a common occurrence with individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. A genuine friend will do wonders for an Aspergers individual. This will greatly boost his overall confidence in himself and will allow him to gain insight on how to assimilate with his peers. I hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

You really just have to help him. If he's being picked on, then you should be the one that goes over and sits with him. There is a kid with Aspergers in my grade and my school actually had me help/mentor him to try and fit in better with the kids around him. If there are still problems you really need to talk to a teacher or administrator so things can be settled and nothing extreme happensHealth Question & Answer

It doesn't sound like the school is handling this the right way. Studies show that teaching children about Asperger syndrome and how to relate to others who have it helps everyone get along. Keeping it quiet while the one with asperger gets bullied isn't a good idea, and is asking for trouble. Tell your parents about it. It sounds like a bad situation to me.Health Question & Answer

i went to high school with a kid with aspergers. i always stuck up for him. he had limited conversation skills but i know he appreciated it. i'm sure the teachers know and it wouldn't bother them if you stuck up for him eitherHealth Question & Answer

just go talk to your principal about it...if people arnt allowed to know he has it he should even be in a class where people could make fun of him. Health Question & Answer

You need to tell a teacher or a counselor.Health Question & Answer

if someone is getting picked on stand up for him if you did nothing this could affect him for many yearsHealth Question & Answer

yes, stick up for him. "guys, that's just not right..." "he's just a little off, pick a different target"Health Question & Answer

Stand up for him.Health Question & Answer

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