When is it safe to say it's not hormones?!

Question: When is it safe to say it's not hormones.?
I feel like whenever a lot of teenagers have depression and other mental illnesses, people don't take them seriously because they blame it on hormones, or they assume that teens just want attention.

A lot of adults who have mental illnesses had problems as a kid. And suicide is the third leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 24. I honestly don't believe that teenagers attempt suicide or self harm, or even just have a persistently sucky attitude, just for attention, and even in THOSE cases, they probably aren't mentally/emotionally stable. (Of course I don't mean that a bad mood qualifies for a diagnosis of mental illness; I'm talking about pervasive problems.)

So what I'm asking is that at what specific age is it no longer labeled as 'hormones,' and why do people even make that assumption in the first place.? Health Question & Answer

Like you said, when a person is suicidal it could mean that they want attention, but that doesn't mean that anybody should push them aside and forget about them. You should even pay more attention to them just because they want the attention, people don't understand that and that's why so much suicide is going on.
i suppose early or late 20's is when it's not labeled as hormones. Hormones are often depicted as perhaps the biggest mood altering natural substance, so people often rely on that for symptoms. perhaps maybe that's why people use that diagnose so much.Health Question & Answer

People make the "assumption" that it's hormones because after thousands of years people have realized that it's often hormones. People go through a great deal of depression and confusion during puberty, PMS, post-partum depression and menopause. All hormones. Young people experience a desire for maturity when their hormones mature, yet society does not grant it to them until they fulfill artificial expectations - a certain age, education, graduation, etc. Your body, mind, and societal expections don't agree - leading to depression, hostility and conflict. What makes you think hormones are not the cause.?Health Question & Answer

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