Is it worth my insanity to keep my health insurance?!

Question: Is it worth my insanity to keep my health insurance.?
Here's the situation:
A few weeks ago, I dropped out of college for the semester because my parents wanted me to enter an Intensive Outpatient Program in the hopes that it would somehow fix my anger issues, among other things. And even though the program consisted solidly of group therapy, and my psychiatrist understood that I don't respond to group, I was made to go anyway. If I did not go, it was threatened that my psychiatrist and therapist would cease seeing me.

Within the first two days I was there, I began feeling better, but not because of therapy. Apparently the mood stabilizer that my regular psychiatrist had put me on had begun working, and I was feeling far less depressed and angry. I was very nearly happy.

I stopped going to the program after the third day. It has been over a week, and I feel terrific.

Now here's where it gets interesting...
When I was in college, I was covered under my dad's health insurance as a full time student. Then, when I dropped out, my doctor wrote them a letter saying I was unable to return to school because I was in the program, so they kept on covering me. Now that I plan to leave the program, my father is worried that I will end up getting dropped from the insurance because I am in neither school or the program.

At this point I have the option of returning to the program, but I really just can't. While I am sure group therapy is helpful to some, I can't stand it. I don't know if its because I have no compassion or empathy for strangers, or because I have my own problems to worry about and don't give a rat's *** about theirs. Plus, I'm shy, and really hate talking to others about my innermost thoughts and feelings unless I trust them.

The whole experience was just stressing me out too much. I was getting stomach cramping and heartburn just being there. That's why I really don't go back. I feel that everything will go sour if I do. But if I don't there is a possibility of my loosing my health coverage.

By the way, if I go back, I'm stuck there for 15 hours a week for 8-10 weeks. Considering I'm feeling better, I don't see it as being worth it.Health Question & Answer

Heres how it goes. My son was in college then he was diagnosed with bipolar with manic tendencies and had to drop out of college. He is now 22 and he is still covered under my husband's Aetna Insurance because he had a preexisting condition which warrants treatment.

I can only speak about Aetna and all insurance companies can be the same but Im not 100 percent sure of that. This reason behind the insurance companies having to keep their prior insured on the policy is so that they dont become a burden on the State. Insurance Companies have to take some responsibility. You say its only 15 hours a week. Why not go. You dont explain how your sanity is at risk going to the therapy for 15 hours a week. What else do you do with your time all day.?

My son dropped out of the Partial Program then his therapist dropped him, then his doctor dropped him and I am in fear of what will happen next. He said it was a waste of time and it was for druggies and alkies and not bipolar. Now he does nothing all day but play video games with other peeps he met in the mental institutes and I am at a lose of what to do.

Before you drop out of that program, you better be REAL SURE you will not be dropped from the insurance. Do you have any idea how much insurance would cost for you with a pre-existing condition.? You dont wanna know.

So to answer your question, go to therapy. If it gets too much, call in sick once and a while and make your dental appointments on the day of your therapy.

HOpe this helped.Health Question & Answer

I would go back to the therapy. What can it hurt.? Even if it doesn't help much. Besides, you might discover something new that helps even more.

How do I deal with depression.? I keep a journal at
http://mylifeanditsdiscontents.blogspot....Health Question & Answer

As far as my knowledge,this is a question with various answers,it is really depending on the mind of yourself,providing a great resource here for reference though.
Health Question & Answer

well I'd watch and be careful what you say about others. we are all connected to each other in some way.

it's your brother or your sister. a father or a mother. even if you don't know them personally they are not stranger to being a human being.

Now as for your own issues - sounds like you are a man who knows how to man a choice.Health Question & Answer

I honestly think that you should go back and it has nothing to do with your health insurance dilemma.

If you have anger and other issues that were drastic that your psychiatrist and therapist were not going to see you if you did not attend the Outpatient Program, I doubt that three days and some medication was enough to get you well. Deep seeded problems usually take more time.

You are probably feeling better because the medication is working, but what happens when it doesn't.? What happens when you start falling back into depression or old habits as a result of your anger issues.?

If your therapist thought that this was a good program for you to be in, you still need to be there regardless of your shyness and dislike for group therapy. Sometimes helping and listening to others is a great way for us to heal and learn more about our own problems.

can't cover up your problems with medication forever, sooner or later you will have to deal with them. I would do it now rather than later. If you wait, it could be twice as hard because more issues will compile over time. It will be harder to get to the root cause of the anger problems you are having now.

Instead of asking yourself if you should continue going in order to keep your health insurance, I think you need to ask yourself if you should continue going so that you can resolve your issues. You Health Question & Answer

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