I dont know whats wrong with me. Is it depression?!

Question: I dont know whats wrong with me. Is it depression.?
O.k. this is kind of confusing to me. Im a freshman in High School. Im quite popular. I get along with everybody. I have many friends. I excel at football and track. But theres one thing. I never hang out with my friends after school. Like maybe once every 2 months. I mean it doesnt mean much to me. I have no desire to, I talk to them in sports and school. IDK but my parents are freaking out. They think im depressed. I mean Im stressed with schoolwork and mad sometimes but thats it. Not sad. They think I should see a therapist. But I dont. They think im not normal and anti-social. Im not emo or goth. I just dont hang out. They think thats a sign of depression. But i talk to them in school, sports, and on the phone and texting. I just dont hang out. Is that normal.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Hi Rocky, thanks for the email invite to your question.

First buddy, be advised that the internet is NOT a safe, nor smart place to get help with emotional issues. Live, objective, caring, face-to-face professionals can only give the proper evaluations and care.

It sounds like you are not getting through to your parents.? It must make you a little angry. If you are not acting with your usual calm confidence, and serenity of who you are, and what you are doing, perhaps it is why they are concerned. But, who knows unless you ALL sit down and talk it out until you are clear that you still love each other, there may still be pressure.

In such cases it is often good to have family sessions with either a pastor, school counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, as an objective 'moderator' who helps all side to be heard.

If you find that by sitting down with your family and expressing yourself doesn't get you all back to a state of equilibrium and understanding, (with hugs all around), then you might suggest the family session alternative.

I have confidence that it will all work out when all sides are heard from honestly.Health Question & Answer

God has given us the face. But it is for us to create our own expression.

What your parents feel is that you are not equally sharing your thoughts and feelings with them. Parents get the pleasure when their children chit chat with them jovially and exchange their feelings, expectations and experiences.

Sometime silence helps. Sometime flattery helps. We have to select and choose and make the surrounding happy. That is all everybody expects.Health Question & Answer

Actually,you don't have to be "sad" or in tears to be depressed.

You can either be angry,irritable,or just hopeless.

You can even physically ache when you have depression.

Check into it,it may surprise you.

Health Question & Answer

It doesn't seem to me like you are anything but a loner.You seem to me to be an introvert.That is to mean that you don't like to socialize much after school.It seems to be the new way of socializing is to text on the cell phone.When your parents were your age they got out of the house more than you do.So they don't think that it is healthy for you to stay in so much.It also seems like you have a hard time socializing in the first place.I would say that it would be good to have a best friend to hang with once and a while.It will get your parents off your back and who knows.It might even break you out of the rut you have established for yourself.However,In the final analysis you are not an isolated case.I have known a lot of people like you.They live normal lives.Health Question & Answer

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