Are poor people poor due mainly to their own fault?!

Question: Are poor people poor due mainly to their own fault.?
I was in the elections forum and had a disconcerting discussion about our candidates. I mentioned one will slash healthcare benefits - and the response ranged from "Everyone can make it. Poor people are just lazy." To, "It is the individual's responsibility to secure their own healthcare. It's not govt's job to bail them out." This was even after I clarified that I was referring to people with obvious disabilities, like MS, quadriplegia, polio, mental handicap/illness, etc. NOT lazy people, which i'm sure they exist as well

From the discussions, I've concluded that most Americans believe that once you are disabled, it is your own fault. Are people really that callous, or am I missing something.? If this is the prevailing attitude, then I hope that I never, ever get sick and I feel for anyone who is struggling to secure benefits or is disabled in any way. Has our compassion just gone out the window.?

...which leads to the question - Why do people have such an attitude towards those they feel superior to....what is the underlying reason.?Health Question & Answer

Yes people really are that callous and ignorant. I am schizo and I can't care for myself. I get disability money from the government and health care from medicare. If I was left to my own devices I would be living under a bridge and it is not because I am lazy. I will give you another example of idiocy among republicans. I was talking to a conservative about torturing terror suspects with water boards and putting them in walk in freezers to try and get a confession out of them. This woman told me that all the suspect has to do is tell the CIA that they are innocent and they will stop torturing them. WTF.?Health Question & Answer

it is not their fault if they are born into a poor family or are not given opportunities to thrive. if it is due to gambling or drugs, it could be a mental disorder. if you are just plain lazy, then it is. most of these apply to people on yahoo answers. Health Question & Answer

I'm poor and used live paycheck to paycheck until I lost my job due to my ongoing mental illness. I tried my best to keep my job, but right now the best I'm getting is unemployment benefits. I think that people are in charge to some extent of their futures. I was the first to graduate from college. I had a bright future until this crap started happening to me. I should be climbing the career ladder, but because of my issues it makes it difficult to do so.

So you ask if the poor are poor due to their own fault. I would think that 65% of poor people are poor due to circumstance. The other percentage are really just lazy and will use any excuse to take advantage of the system. When I was in group therapy many of the people there were on social security disability, yet they were able to drive themselves to the group meeting. I love to work and would rather be working than collecting a check from the government each month. It sometimes get to the point with me where I cannot remember where places are and I don't trust myself to drive. So I get pretty bad, but I still keep trying and the reason try is to prove that the stereotype about people with mental illness are lazy is false. If anything the laziness is a symptom of their disease. If you never experience mental illness you will never know, but people are still as you say calloused when it comes to understanding of peoples situations. I hope all stereotypers burn in hell.

Health Question & Answer

Many people who are not poor do not have any understanding for those who are. The media, movies, etc. gives people a representation that poor people are tied in drugs and crime, so it's easy for a person to base judgements on that stereotype.

I think many poor people have overcome their poverty and were able to make somethings of themselves (its happened throughout history.)
Though there are many that do become involved in drugs, and such.

I don't think you can generalize "poor" as a group of people, though. I do agree with you. Americans DO believe if you're disabled/poor/etc., it is of your own doing and welfare/federal institutions should not bail them out. It's a terrible, narrow-minded viewpoint. Health Question & Answer

We live in a culture of abundance. People are naive to how the world really works.

I don't think healthcare is only for the upper class. What kind of country would this be if the sick and elderly were dying because they were refused care out of inability to pay.? What about children.?

I'm poor. I work in fire and rescue - an essential part of public health and safety. I work 24 hr shifts - far from lazy. I live paycheck to paycheck. If I did not get insurance thru my employer I would not be able to afford it. I'm a cancer survivor. Not having healthcare coverage would be disasterous for me and my family. Health Question & Answer

I think it has to do with a superiority complex. Nobody ever thinks about until it happens to them. A lot of people can deal with what has happened to themselves and then there are the "oh poor me" types that seem to think that just because they have a disability of some sort that people are supposed to feel sorry for them. I on the hand thin that everyone is control of their own situation. Whether they deal with it and move on or start pitying themselves. I think that everyone should be entitled to some form of health care, some people work and are still not able to provide health care for themselves and their family and that is a shame. People should be able to seek medical attention, every American should be entitled to it. Even those severely handicapped, it's not like they chose to be that way. It's just the cards that were dealt. However those that choose not to work are another story. Able bodied men and women have no reason not to work, leeching off the government is totally unacceptable. It makes me so mad that their are people abusing the system like that. In those cases I think that those people should have to provide some sort of copay or something before that are able to receive care. I have always had insurance so I'm not sure how that works at the hospital, isn't payment sought after treatment.? So people are just able to skip out on payment.
However getting back to the handicapped thing, when you see Stephen Hawking you kind of just have to think " well if he can be as successful as he is and he has such a severe disability, then why cant I.?"Health Question & Answer

People that have Mental Illness are especially labeled as lazy or they just have to pull themselves together. There is about 23% of adults in America each year that are diagnosed with a mental illness and 20% of children.
I do believe as a counselor/probation officer that even professionals become very as you stated-callused. But wait until one of their family members gets really sick=mental or psychical.
I personally believe that some people abuse the welfare system and makes it terrible for everyone else. I work with women that have a bad back or depression and draw SSD and Medicaid at the age of 20 ish. That's enough to p*** me off. I'm over 50 and have broken vertebra in my neck 3 times, have a hand injury and high blood pressure-but I work every day. I believe there needs to be stricter guidelines on who collects the cash.God Bless ReggieHealth Question & Answer

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