Is methadone only prescribed to active heroin addicts?!

Question: Is methadone only prescribed to active heroin addicts.?
Is methadone ever prescribed, or can it be prescribed, to heroin addicts who have been clean for a period of time, but are voicing that without some form of replacement treatment that they are intending to return to actively using heroin.?Health Question & Answer

DON'T DO METHADONE!!! Take Suboxone or Subutex. If you really don't want to start getting high again, but are toying with the idea, Methadone will destroy you. Suboxone and Subutex are the new miracle drugs for junkies. They trick your brain into thinking that opiates are in your body, while blocking the stuff out. They are not opiate based and work wonders!!!
Best of Luck :)Health Question & Answer

I am a recovering opeit addict myself. I have just over 60 days clean. The answer to your question is yes. Methadone is often prescribed for pain. It is a synthetic morphine. More powerful then morphine. I was strung out on methadone everyday for more then 3 years. It was being prescribed to me by a pain Specialist. I really do have pain, but I was playing the Doctor, and he was also giving me Oxycontin, and vicadine along with 150 milagrams of methadone a day. The Germans invented methadone during World War 2, for there wounded troops. One of hitlers scientists invented methadone to replace there shortage of morphine. Yes methadone is commonly prescribed for pain. That is it's main function. To kill pain. As for methadone clinics, there just a big rip off. They are privately owned, and these clinics keep heroin addicts strung out on methadone for years. The newest maintinece drug (suboxone) works much better, and you are on it for less time. I hope I have answered your question well.Health Question & Answer

Any treatment relating to any drug that is illegal should not be available on the NHS .

At the end of the day it is an ILLEGAL drug and any one who takes it should be put through a proper detox programme for 12 months and if they relapse then its TOUGH.

They are a drain on money that should be spent on other aspects or human ailments not restricted to choice.

Some choose to do heroin, thats their choice, some are born into it, thats their parents choice surely they have to deal with it and pay for but..........

How do they pay for it.?.? By crime. Health Question & Answer

No. Methadone would not be given to someone who was negative for opiates. One of the requirements to enter methadone treatment is a positive urine screen for opiates. This is to prevent someone from saying they have a tolerance to the meds and overdosing on the Methadone. Furthermore when someone stops taking their Methadone or takes heroin while on methadone their tolerance is reduced and therefore their usual dose can easily lead to an overdose.Health Question & Answer

surely y can go and see y doctor or someone at ads ,i know y clean but it sounds like yv got some kind of doubts .i know there is some other kind of blocker.yv done realy well staying clean i know its hard as ive got friends who are addicts,prevention is better than cure .good luck xxHealth Question & Answer

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