What should I do? Bipolar ...?!

Question: What should I do.? Bipolar ....?

In June 08, I was diagnosed with bipolar, and I think I was misdiagnosed with depression 1.5 years ago.My undergraduate years in college was difficult. In my first diagnosis and hospitalization, I stopped taking my meds because my parents and sister told me that I don't need them and I did not have insurance. After a few months, the symptom were coming back but I thought i was the problem and believed I can will my self out of the situation. I did not fully believe I had a mental illness. I could not concentrate, getting myself to study is hard, and I did not believe in myself. I cried all the time and prayed to God to heal me. I spent several hours a day on the computer.

Slowly, My life has changed to no motviated, depressed, and negative. A week after my college graduation, I was hospitalized and found out I had bipolar.

My goal is to get into medical school and I have been having trouble studying for the MCAT. I been studying for it more than a year but finally took it in Sept. 08. I will retake it.

I thought the problem was just me and I was not focused. Now I realized that being bipolar has made school harder for me.

Currently I am taking Lamictal but only 25 mg. I don't like meds but I think I need them. I don't take them every day. I ordered my meds two weeks or more ago and I have not received them. I have only one left.

What hurts me the most is the inability to live up to my full potential.? I don't mind working hard but it is tough to stay motivate and without a will to succeed. My mom tells me I changed. What should I do, change ....?Health Question & Answer

i have bipolar disorder and have attention problems. my psychiatrist cannot/will not prescribe me any Adderall/Ritalin (as these meds can counteract moodstabilizers meds).

it is very hard to stay focused when you are depressed, 25 mg of lamictal is a low dose. I suggest talking with your psychiatrist about your depression, and he can work with you to get your mood up and stable.

once your mood is stable, your motivation will come back.

don't listen to your family's remarks regarding YOUR medicine. that is between you and your doctor...it is very important to take meds on a regular basis and at an appropriate dose to get the most out of them.Health Question & Answer

Lisa I really don't know what to tell you, Mental illness is a very hard thing to live with, but its not your fault. You didn't ask for it. But you must do all that you need to do to stay happy and healthy and if that's taking the meds, or therapy or whatever do whatever it takes so you can fulfill your dreams. I wish you the best and hope you achieve everything you set out to do. Take care.Health Question & Answer

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