How to kill my self???!

Question: How to kill my self.?.?.?
well im serious and please dont talk me out of it.well im 15 yrs old im on probation and i missed 2 many days of school so im sure im getting locked up soon so dats one reason why im taking my life.but the real reason im doing it is because like 30 mins ago me and my mother son[not my mom but i call her dat] got into it he got in my face and then pushed me so i hit and pushed him and i was beating his *** but he hit me in my eye and nobody deserves that so now im sick of my life and i wanna end it before i end mama tried to stop it before he did it but now its 2 late i think ima kill him b4 i kill my self and kiss my mama good bye.i wanna use a gun but im scared so give me another way please.Health Question & Answer

Well I am quite sure you ARE serious, but I want to ask if you have thought that it could all be a chemical issue in your head.?

I will explain....My mother had major mental disorders and tried to commit suicide about 75 times since the time I was 4 years old. I am 27 years old now. Almost 2 years ago my mother succeeded in killing herself. I have two little boys, one of which she only got to see once. I was not speaking to her when she died. I was deamed the one in my family to "handle" my mom, but I was getting to the point where I could not handle the stress of it and have my kids too. The last thing I told my mom was that I could not be around her unless she got her act together.

After I got the call that she died, I had a major break down. I blamed myself for not being there to call 911 for her. I blamed myself for pushing her away when she needed me. My family blamed me. We had a major fight about her funeral and I was practically disowned from my extended family. I didn't have contact with them all for about a year. I feel guilty that she never really got to see her youngest grand son. My kids will never know her.

I was the one who had to get her apartment cleaned up and all her stuff out of it. I used the money I found in her place to buy my kids each a nice present from Grandma. I talk to them about all the great things she did in her life. That is hard to do with all the pain I still feel about it.

I don't have a mother now. My brother is in another country now and I barely talk to him. My extended family will never forgive me. I am now so broken from my personal breakdown that I have to use a Service Dog so I can even leave my house. Things are very hard now for me and my little family.

Think about who you will hurt if you kill yourself. It is not a pretty way to go. Who will have to clean up the mess.? No matter how you do it there will be a mess....Vomit, feces, will pee and poop your pants when you die. It will hurt when you die.

Why don't you find out if there is something causing you to feel this way.? Why not at least see if there is a medication that can help you feel happy again.? It is worth a try. Even if you do get arrested and go to jail, my father was in and out of jail and prison most his and my life. Now he is in his 50's and is starting life again. He is doing great, I have a father for the first time, and he can meet his grand kids. It is never too late to have a life! I know your father died, but you do have a mother! So we are both in the same spot.

What about your mother.? How will she cope with the death of one of her children.? Really think about it! Even if you think she doesn't like you, she will always LOVE you. I know because I have two boys. They are small now, but I know that your mother will never forget giving birth to you or raising you to this point. She will blame herself and be miserable for the rest of her life. What about (I think you have a brother by what you said) you brother.? How is he going to handle life knowing his brother committed suicide.? That alone will mess him up badly. What about the rest of your family.? How are they going to feel.? Your entire school will be crying and hurting because you killed yourself. What if your death prompts someone else to kill themselves too.?

Just talk to your mom, tell her how you are feeling and that you need to see a doctor. If you can't talk to your mom, go to a teen clinic. They are free and they won't tell your family if you don't want them to. It sounds to me that the way you are feeling and acting is not your fault.

I have Bipolar, OCD, General and Social anxiety disorders, PTSD, SMD, Agoraphobia, Panic disorder, and dissociative episodes. I am allergic to all the meds they have for these things so I am stuck with it. I have had to find a different way to deal with my issues. I have to be a mother to two boys, a wife, and everything else in my life. I can't work, I have trouble driving alone, I gained about 150 pounds for trying so many medications, and it is very hard to try to lose it when you have a fear of leaving your house. I get major depression a lot, I threaten my husband all the time, I don't have any friends, I don't have any access to doctors right now, we are drowning in debt because I can't work, and our car is breaking down. I have a ton of things I could use as excuses to end my life, but knowing what it did to me when my mom did that, I would never do that to them.

A girl I went to school with in highschool killed herself my junior year. The whole school was never the same. We all took it really hard. I felt guilty for not knowing her better, or trying harder to hang out with her.

Please don't do that to the people who love you!! You might not even know who all those people are. We never know who everyone is who loves us. I suggest you write about it all, draw it out, go running (not into traffic!), see a doctor, find someone to talk to, eat somethHealth Question & Answer

o.k. So you are mad at your "mother's son", then why would you want to kill yourself. Why to punish yourself for something that has caused you pain. I think that you should be looking for ways to help you have a happier life instead. Think of the happy times you had before, and think of ways that can make you have more of these. Get away from people that hurt you. You seem like a very nice person, so I wish you all the luck in the world.Health Question & Answer

I think it s too unfair for you to kill ur self..u should try to make ur life better. People r deal with many problems everyday and they dont kill them self! to kill ur self is the easy solution my friend.. i dont have a job, i suffer from panic attacks and depression, i live far away from my family and friends, but i try to make my life better and dont kill my self..u have many years to live and u r too young to think so negative..
Health Question & Answer

You dont wanna die, because if you would be ACTing on your thoughts of suicide instead of, taking the time to write out a paragraph on why your life sucks. Everybody, has drama and situations in their life that depressing and hard to deal with. Its life! You have to move on. Health Question & Answer

please dont
i mean really please dont
i wanted to kill myself a while back but you'll get through this i promise
you said your 15.?
you only have a few more years until you can have the freedom to leave the life that you dont like now and who knows what great things you can do or how happy you can be
at least wait a week or two and allow yourself to come back from these harsh feelings
please please please dont do it
im telling you now you just have to find what you want to live for and live for it even if its stupid and lame it doesnt matter
i know from experience at this age everything sucks and with whatever problems you have you also feel trapped because your so young and cant go anywhere
im sorry about your dad but you dying is not going to fix anything
there are no second chances so live this life all the way till the end im begging you
message me for any help or advice but please PLEASE dont do it!Health Question & Answer

Face the struggle of life. This will make you stronger. Suicide and any sort of killing is a sign of weakness. Being on probation and missing school does not mean it's the end of your life. If you want to change for the better, there's no way why you should be locked up.

If someone harms you physically, don't fight back. Be the strong one. Those who are weak fight coz its easier.

I'm sorry for what happen to your father. But I think he would've wanted you to be there for your mom.

I know it is very hard but don't lose hope. Be the one on whom your family can rely on. Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure I understand. You want to kill yourself to protect your mother son(brother), why are you so angry.? At your age that is all my brother and myself did was fight. I think that's a way of getting along with a sibling. Do you really think your dad wants you to end your life.? He would want you to live life to the fullest. Besides a gun is really messy. Have you talk about your dad since.? Getting things off your chest always works for me. Not the same ,but I lost my sister in '96. I visit her grave and talk from time to time. And I'm sure she is watching over me. Think about it who will take care of your mom if you leave. Health Question & Answer

You're 15.? You have so much left to do here. Don't you want to...
- get your drivers license
- have a girlfriend
- have sex
- get married
- have kids
- make money
- Travel, go on vacations, see the world.
* I know you said you didn't want to be talked out of it, but you and I both know you wouldnt have written this just to get advice on how to commit murder and suicide. it's a cry for help.
- You have to consider this... even if you did kill this kid... what if something went wrong and you were arrested before you got the chance to kill yourself... you would end up in jail for the rest of your life, your mom would be devestated. Ultimately if you do this, the only person you will be hurting is your mom. Now, I don't think you want to do that to her. Be smart and think of another alternative. Even if that means running away, or just finding somewhere else to hang out for awhile. A change of scenery sometimes can help you to see it wasn't as bad as you thought. Missing school is not the end of the world. It may seem like it now, but when you're older you will realize it wasn't even a big deal and you'll be so glad you didn't end your life over something that isn't a big deal. Just cool down. Maybe talk to your "mom" about how you feel. Just tell someone. There's people who love you and care about you. Do you like music.? maybe you should put all your frusterations into some lyrics, and make something good out of it. Your dad would be proud of you for being a man and overcoming these obstacles in your life. Don't give up. Be strong. If not for you, then for your Mom and Dad.Health Question & Answer

i had a friend who killed himself at 15 and he ruined the lives of everyone around him, especially his mother's. let me promise you something, YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER RECOVER. stop being such a selfish little prick and grow up. you''ll look back on this day and laugh about how you allowed your life to come to this. because ultimately, LIFE WILL ALWAYS BE DIFFICULT. you need to accept that. everyone goes through crap in their lives. and you can be a pussy and punch out, but you know what.? You would be a COWARD. man up.Health Question & Answer

oh baby i know i can't talk you out of it, but you need to be with friends. get out of that place for a little while before you really suffocate. death is the easy way out. you're much stronger than that and if you can put up a fight toward your brother then you're strong enough to stand what life gives you. you need some love. i'd hold you if i were there, even though i don't know you, honey. i'm gettin' all teary-eyed just responding to you. i don't even know you. **** happens and you learn from your mistakes becoming wiser. it's a part of growing up. you've got too much of your life to develop yet. you're only 15! you need understanding, my dear.Health Question & Answer

OMG, i hope you havent gone thru with the plan. my grandfather, a prisoner of war in WWII killed himself in '98. i am prone to depression as well and have always said if he hadnt already put my family thru that i would do it. but being that i have not done it, i realize now that i would have missed so many beautiful things. yes, i have experienced pain in these years, but i have also witnessed some amazing things, like my growing smart and handsome nephew and how i am making a difference in peoples lives as i am living my dream as a fitness trainer. beats the alternative. for sure. please write me at bc even tho i dont know u i will be concernedHealth Question & Answer

i know how you dont want people talking you out of if and im going going to. but i understand. im the same way. and i know that not living anymore... having no more pain, being free from this hell of a life seems really nice.. but you cant give up. i mean thats all i want to do. im 15 as well, and just im so depressed all i want to do is die.. but then everytime i talk myself out of it because i dont know if it will be worth it because im still so young, and soon ill be out of here. but feel fee to ever talk to me if you just need to talk... you can e-mail me
please do.. if you need to talk ill listen. Health Question & Answer

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